Condon succeeds by writing an engaging narrative in straightforward prose that builds excitement as it chronicles the revolutionary events in post-revolutionary Massachusetts... This brief but powerful book will be an ideal addition to undergraduate courses on the Revolution and early national era, and could accompany a survey of early American history for first-year college students as well.
... [Condon] does provide extensive primary source quotations that will help readers better understand the rebellion and the period. This book should be added to the library collections of community colleges, four-year institutions, and high schools.
... [Condon] does provide extensive primary source quotations that will help readers better understand the rebellion and the period. This book should be added to the library collections of community colleges, four-year institutions, and high schools.
The deepest account of the rebellion I have read, the book keeps a strong narrative line and grows in drama as it proceeds. Undergraduates should cherish this work. Riveting.
Book Details
1. Paying for Independence
2. Governor Bowdoin Faces the Regulators
3. Mobilizing Authority and Resistance
4. Conflict from Springfield to Petersham
5. Governing the Regulators and Regulating
1. Paying for Independence
2. Governor Bowdoin Faces the Regulators
3. Mobilizing Authority and Resistance
4. Conflict from Springfield to Petersham
5. Governing the Regulators and Regulating Government
Suggested Further Reading