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Forging China's Military Might

A New Framework for Assessing Innovation

edited by Tai Ming Cheung

Publication Date

Experts examine how innovation and technology are transforming China’s defense industry.

Among the most important issues in international security today are the nature and the global implications of China’s emergence as a world-class defense technology power. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Chinese defense industry has reinvented itself by emphasizing technological innovation and technology. This reinvention and its potential effects, both positive and negative, are attracting global scrutiny. Drawing insights from a range of disciplines, including history, social science...

Experts examine how innovation and technology are transforming China’s defense industry.

Among the most important issues in international security today are the nature and the global implications of China’s emergence as a world-class defense technology power. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Chinese defense industry has reinvented itself by emphasizing technological innovation and technology. This reinvention and its potential effects, both positive and negative, are attracting global scrutiny. Drawing insights from a range of disciplines, including history, social science, business, and strategic studies, Tai Ming Cheung and the contributors to Forging China's Military Might develop an analytical framework to evaluate the nature, dimensions, and spectrum of Chinese innovation in the military and broader defense spheres.

Forging China's Military Might provides an overview of the current state of the Chinese defense industry and then focuses on subjects critical to understanding short- and long-term developments, including the relationship among defense contractors, regulators, and end-users; civil-military integration; China’s defense innovation system; and China’s place in the global defense economy. Case studies look in detail at the Chinese space and missile industry.



Forging China's Military Might belongs in any political science shelf interested in China's issues and international security and considers the nature of China's emergence as a world power.

This detailed, well structured and researched overview [is] the most comprehensive and even-handed of anything currently available.

The contributors have done incredible research on such a comprehensive subject in a single volume. Their multi-lingual capabilities and multiple-perspective approach have distinguished this book from most previous works.

Forging China's Military Might constitutes high-quality, cutting-edge research on China's defense industries. It should enjoy broad appeal—among academics, policy makers, security analysts, and business people in countries around the world.


Book Details

Publication Date
Trim Size
Illustration Description
15 b&w illus.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Frameworks for Analyzing Chinese Defense and Military Innovation
Chapter 2. An Uncertain Transition: Regulatory Reform and Industrial Innovation in China's Defense Research

Chapter 1. Frameworks for Analyzing Chinese Defense and Military Innovation
Chapter 2. An Uncertain Transition: Regulatory Reform and Industrial Innovation in China's Defense Research, Development, and Acquisition System
Chapter 3. The General Armament Department's Science and Technology Committee: PLA- Industry Relations and Implications for Defense Innovation
Chapter 4. Commissars of Weapons Production: The Chinese Military Representative System
Chapter 5. The Rise of Chinese Civil- Military Integration
Chapter 6. China's Emerging Defense Innovation System: Making the Wheels Turn
Chapter 7. Locating China's Place in the Global Defense Economy
Chapter 8. Organization as Innovation: Instilling a Quality Management System in China's Human Spaceflight Program
Chapter 9. China's Evolving Space and Missile Industry: Seeking Innovation in Long- Range Precision Strike
List of Contributors

Author Bio
Tai Ming Cheung
Featured Contributor

Tai Ming Cheung, Ph.D.

Tai Ming Cheung is director of the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation at the University of California, San Diego, and the leader of its project on the study of innovation and technology in China. He is author of Fortifying China: The Struggle to Build a Modern Defense Economy.