The broad scope of Social Issues in Diagnosis makes this book not only useful for premed or medical students but also undergraduate courses in medical anthropology or public health.
Very useful, relevant, and easily approached text on an important subject.
The editors and contributors have offered a significant addition to the cultural competency discussion, whether for the student and classroom environment or for attendings thinking about their individual practice style and habits. This is a tremendous addition to every academic library.
This edited collection of works...further illuminates diagnosis, providing an insight into the workings of medicine and the difficulties and importance of diagnosis in contemporary health care...Social Issues in Diagnosis shows persuasively how diagnosis is a collaborative process of development that involves a range of stakeholders and healthcare professionals over a period of time...The editors and authors make a significant contribution to the emerging subfield of the sociology of diagnosis.
Jutel and Dew's book, Social Issues in Diagnosis, demonstrates quite clearly the vital importance of informing practice with scholarship from academic disciplines... Given its accessibility, this book is likely to be a star in medical schools and other clinical training institutions as a part of any course where the object is to prepare neophytes for the human realities of practice... Student and trainees are not the only populations that will enjoy and benefit from this book. Any clinician who wants to think deeply and academically about the nature and context of their work will find much practical value inside its pages.
Range of perspectives gathered from different disciples and areas of the world that [provide] the reader with a balanced and global critique of diagnosis.
Annemarie Jutel is a leading scholar on the social aspects of medical diagnosis. In this volume, she and Kevin Dew bring together a fascinating array of chapters that shed new light on myriad aspects of diagnosis. The book will be of value to social scientists, students and clinicians.
Amidst a renaissance of interest in the art and science of diagnosis in medicine, Social Issues in Diagnosis is like a breath of fresh air. For the first time, the diagnostic process is considered from a sociologic perspective, offering unique, comprehensive, and authoritative insights. Enlightening reading for patients and physicians alike.
Diagnosis is the foundation of medical care. In this excellent book, the authors engage us to consider what diagnosis means for society, and how society, in turn, influences diagnosis and care provision. An important addition to the medical literature, and a must-read for all healthcare providers.
An interesting, at times provocative, treatment of social issues relevant to the diagnostic process and of the many important interfaces between the social sciences and clinical medicine. This will be a useful addition to the armamentarium of resources for those studying the diagnostic process and its failures.
Book Details
List of Medical Advisors
List of Contributors
Chapter 1. Constructing Order: Classification and Diagnosis
Chapter 2. Diagnostic Work: A Disorderly Process
Chapter 3. None of
List of Medical Advisors
List of Contributors
Chapter 1. Constructing Order: Classification and Diagnosis
Chapter 2. Diagnostic Work: A Disorderly Process
Chapter 3. None of the Above: Uncertainty and Diagnosis
Chapter 4. I Am Not a Doctor, but... : The Lay-Professional Relationship in Diagnosis
Chapter 5. When the Penny Drops: Diagnosis and the Transformative Moment
Chapter 6. Patient-Centered Care or Discrimination? Diagnosis among Diverse Populations
Chapter 7. Who's the Boss? Diagnosis and Medical Authority
Chapter 8. Is This Really a Disease? Medicalization and Diagnosis
Chapter 9. The Promotion of Marketing-Mediated Diagnosis: Turning Patients into Consumers
Chapter 10. Let's Send That to the Lab: Technology and Diagnosis
Chapter 11. Fighting to be Heard: Contested Diagnoses
Chapter 12. Lay Diagnosis: An Oxymoron?
Chapter 13. Researching the Social Aspects of Diagnosis: Answers for Clinical Practice
Chapter 14. Diagnosis as Problem and Solution
Chapter 15. When Diagnosis Goes Wrong: Connecting and Dissecting Diagnostic Errors