Theoretically informed and inventive, Experimental Life is one of those good books that links the concerns of Romantic scholars to broader discussions in the arts and sciences.
In addition to its compelling history of experimentation in art and science, Experimental Life also marks many before unapprehended relations among different sectors of Romantic studies, and will no doubt generate a good deal of further experiments with Romantic literature and science-which, as Mitchell proposes, is what marks any experiment's real success.
Mitchell's book displays wide erudition and an ambitious interdisciplinary agenda.
A superb and outstandingly researched study.
Book Details
Introduction: Three Eras of Experimental Vitalism
1. Romanticism, Art, and Experiments
2. Suspended Animation and the Poetics of Trance
3. Life, Orientation, and Abandoned Experiments
Introduction: Three Eras of Experimental Vitalism
1. Romanticism, Art, and Experiments
2. Suspended Animation and the Poetics of Trance
3. Life, Orientation, and Abandoned Experiments
4. Nausea, Digestion, and the Collapsurgence of System
5. The Media of Life
6. Cryptogamia
Conclusion: Biopolitics and Experimental Vitalism