A readable and informative volume that is not limited to one phase of geography, but which includes the physical, historical, economic, human, and political aspects of the topic.
A well-written story of a land and people, enhanced by photographs taken over a 20-year period. The narrative is tied to a series of fascinating and uncluttered maps, which enable readers to relate place and circumstance... This regional study of the geography of North America is as comprehensive as it is excellent.
This fact-packed, well-organized and felicitously written book goes miles beyond the mere recitation of state capitals. Drawing upon his nearly 30 years of teaching university-level geography, Hudson offers a comprehensive history of the geological, agricultural, topographical, industrial, social and political development of the United States and Canada.
The delicious historical details are interspersed with sweeping generalizations that capture the essence of each region and sub-region... It's such good reading and such a valuable resource that Across This Land is an essential book in the personal library of any well-read American or Canadian.
Extensive emphasis on the history and politics of each region makes it unique and outstanding. The book offers a new direction for teaching the regional geography of the United States and Canada.
An elegantly written and concise regional geography... The result accomplishes the best intent of regional geography—to shape the character of the whole through careful description of its parts.
This book is a genuine tour de force. Light years ahead of existing textbooks, Across This Land is a true regional geography that will benefit anyone who reads it.
Book Details
List of Maps
PART I. Atlantic Canada and Quebec
Chapter 1. Newfoundland and Labrador
Chapter 2. Quebec
Chapter 3. The Maritimes
PART II. The Northeast
Chapter 4. New England
Chapter 5. New
List of Maps
PART I. Atlantic Canada and Quebec
Chapter 1. Newfoundland and Labrador
Chapter 2. Quebec
Chapter 3. The Maritimes
PART II. The Northeast
Chapter 4. New England
Chapter 5. New York and Ontario
Chapter 6. The Middle Atlantic
PART III. The Upland South
Chapter 7. The Southern Appalachians
Chapter 8. The Interior Low Plateaus
Chapter 9. The Ozarks and the Ouachitas
PART IV. The Lowland South
Chapter 10. The Southeastern Piedmont and the Coastal Plain
Chapter 11. The Florida Peninsula
Chapter 12. The Gulf Coastal Plain and the Alluvial Mississippi Valley
PART V. The Middle West
Chapter 13. The Corn Belt
Chapter 14. The Lower Great Lakes
PART VI. The Central Plains
Chapter 15. Prairie Wheat Lands
Chapter 16. Texas and the Southern Plains
PART VII. The Western Plains and the Rocky Mountains
Chapter 17. The Southern Rocky Mountains and the High Plains
Chapter 18. The Missouri Plateau
PART VIII. The Intermountain West
Chapter 19. The Northern Rocky Mountains and the Columbia–Snake Plateau
Chapter 20. The Great Basin
Chapter 21. The Colorado Plateau and the Desert Southwest
PART IX. The North
Chapter 22. The Upper Great Lakes
Chapter 23. The Canadian Shield
Chapter 24. The Far North
PART X. The Pacific Realm
Chapter 25. The Pacific Northwest
Chapter 26. California
Chapter 27. Hawaii