Professor Viteritti... and his fellow contributors make a convincing case that, at the least, Mr. Lindsay deserves another look.
The book was well-written and the research impeccable.
Viteritti has recruited a superb mix of senior and junior scholars who collectively make a substantial contribution to understanding an important period (1966-73) in America's national and urban development... This well-integrated volume illuminates crucial developments in New York City's adapting to change to maintain its status as a global city.
John Lindsay, supposed exemplar of the failures of liberalism, has been given a bum rap by history. These first-rate essays provide a positive revaluation of his mayoralty, a convincing defense of the progressive tradition he championed, and a timely reminder of ways that activist government can advance the common good.
Viteritti has done a great service with this book on John Lindsay, because it places Lindsay's mayoralty in the context of the past fifty years of New York history—the social changes that occurred and the politics and governance of the city that accompanied them. By turning to other contributors who are expert in their separate fields, the book most accurately reflects Lindsay's unique contribution.
Summer in the City artfully balances the interplay of leadership, ideas about urbanism that were prevalent at the time, and deep political, intergovernmental, demographic, and economic structural forces at play in the 1960s, producing the best volume about Mayor John Lindsay ever published.
Book Details
Preface. NYC, Then and Now
Chapter 1. Times a-Changin': A Mayor for the Great Society
Chapter 2. On Principle: A Progressive Republican
Chapter 3. Race, Rights, Empowerment
Chapter 4. Of
Preface. NYC, Then and Now
Chapter 1. Times a-Changin': A Mayor for the Great Society
Chapter 2. On Principle: A Progressive Republican
Chapter 3. Race, Rights, Empowerment
Chapter 4. Of Budgets, Taxes, and the Rise of a New Plutocracy
Chapter 5. Management versus Bureaucracy
Chapter 6. A Design-Conscious Mayor: The Physical City
Chapter 7. Governing at the Tipping Point: Shaping the City's Role in Economic Development
Chapter 8. Arts as Public Policy: Cultural Spaces for Democracy and Growth
Chapter 9. After the Fall: John Lindsay, New York, and the American Dream
Chronology: The Lindsay Years