... a very much anticipated work indeed for naturalists interested in [island biogeography].
A must have for those with an interest in the mammals of the region.
This well written book will help to raise attention to the threatened mammals of Luzon and species conservation on Luzon and the Philippines as a hotspot for mammal biodiversity.
The Mammals of Luzon: Biogeography and Natural History of a Philippine Fauna, is the most comprehensive book about Philippine mammals ever written. It is a highly accessible story of scientific inquiry and discovery
The book is so important that students of Biology, particularly those studying natural history, should read this book. Libraries in universities should have a copy of this book for their students
... I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It is an insightful, thorough and fascinating text based upon a lifetime of thought and hard-won data. The text is engagingly written throughout, the volume wonderfully produced and illustrated, and overall well worth the cover price. It could be set as a discussion text for students, used to generate examples for lectures, or simply read for pleasure alone.
In reviewing this ambitious book, I was consistently impressed with its attention to detail, its question-oriented approach, and its extensive illustrations. The authors have dedicated much of their careers to understanding the evolution of Philippine mammals. The Mammals of Luzon Island is the culmination of that research. It is impeccably researched, clearly written, and amply illustrated. For students of island biogeography this is a must-read blueprint for understanding the mammal fauna of a fascinating region.
Book Details
Part I. The Biogeography of Diversity
1. The Mammals of Luzon, 1895– 2012
2. Climate and Habitats
3. Discovering Diversity
4. Geological History and Fossil Mammals
5. Producing
Part I. The Biogeography of Diversity
1. The Mammals of Luzon, 1895– 2012
2. Climate and Habitats
3. Discovering Diversity
4. Geological History and Fossil Mammals
5. Producing Diversity
6. Habitat Disturbance and Invasive Species
7. Conservation of Luzon's Mammalian Diversity
8. Synthesis
Part II. Natural History of Luzon Mammals
9. Large Mammals
10. A Guide to the Small Mammals
1: Order Soricomorpha
2: Old Endemics
3: Old Endemics
4: New Endemic Rodents
5: Non-Native Rodents
11. A Guide to the Bats
1: Introduction to Bats
2: Family Pteropodidae
3: Family Emballonuridae
4: Family Megadermatidae
5: Family Hipposideridae
6: Family Rhinolophidae
7: Family Vespertilionidae
8: Family Molossidae
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