This collection of 18 scholarly papers makes a detailed summary of the terrapin's natural history, threats to the population, ongoing conservation efforts and the value of the terrapin as an indicator of the quality of an estuarine system... This book should provide lots of technical and public support for efforts to improve the outlook for terrapins as natural treasures for future generations.
A broad and rich overview on the biology of this turtle... In many cases, the specific details around Diamond-back terrapin threats or issues are relevant to other turtle species, making this a highly recommended book for anyone working in turtle biology or conservation.
This is a very readable and informative text on a fascinating terrapin.
Book Details
1. Introduction and History
J. Whitfield Gibbons
Part I. Biology and Ecology
2. Capture, Measurement, and Field Techniques
Willem M. Roosenburg and Russell L. Burke
3. Evolutionary History and
1. Introduction and History
J. Whitfield Gibbons
Part I. Biology and Ecology
2. Capture, Measurement, and Field Techniques
Willem M. Roosenburg and Russell L. Burke
3. Evolutionary History and Paleontological Record
Dana J. Ehret and Benjamin K. Atkinson
4. Taxonomy: A History of Controversy and Uncertainty
Jeffrey E. Lovich and Kristen M. Hart
5. Molecular Ecology and Phylogeography
Paul E. Converse and Shawn R. Kuchta
6. Life History with Emphasis on Geographic Variation
Jeffrey E. Lovich, J. Whitfield Gibbons, and Kathryn M. Greene
7. Reproductive Behavior and Ecology
Joseph A. Butler, Russell L. Burke, and Willem M. Roosenburg
8. Hatchling Behavior and Overwintering
Patrick J. Baker, Ralph E. J. Boerner, and Roger C. Wood
9. Osmoregulation
Leigh Anne Harden and Amanda Southwood Williard
10. Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination
Thane Wibbels, Taylor Roberge, and Allen R. Place
11. Foraging Ecology and Habitat Choice
Anton D. Tucker, Russell L. Burke, and Diane C. Tulipani
12. Environmental Toxicology
Dawn K. Holliday, Rusty D. Day, and David Owens
Part II. Fisheries and Conservation Challenges
13. History of Commercial Fisheries and Artificial Propagation
Victor S. Kennedy
14. Conservation in Terrestrial Habitats: Mitigating Habitat Loss, Road Mortality, and Subsidized Predators
John C. Maerz, Richard A. Seigel, and Brian A. Crawford
15. Interactions with Motorboats
Lori A. Lester, Harold W. Avery, Andrew S. Harrison, and Edward A. Standora
16. Bycatch in Blue Crab Fisheries
Randolph M. Chambers and John C. Maerz
17. Conservation through Environmental Education
George L. Heinrich, Timothy J. Walsh, and Will Williams
18. Habitat Restoration and Head-starting
Willem M. Roosenburg
19. The Future for Diamond-backed Terrapins
Joseph A. Butler and Willem M. Roosenburg