Governed by a Spirit of Opposition is a stimulating piece of work and an exceptional piece of scholarship.... [I]t could act as a model for future scholarship on colonial politics.
The book is a good companion to those town studies of a half century ago, but it is also an important social history that takes us to new levels of inquiry into the economy and culture of eighteenth-century urban life.
Governed by a Spirit of Opposition is tightly organized and narratively driven. Its compact length will make it accessible in both graduate and undergraduate classrooms, while scholars of Philadelphia, civi life, and both the colonial and revolutionary eras will appreciate this fresh interpretation of associational culture.
Giving us a wonderfully detailed examination of civil society and urban governance in eighteenth-century Philadelphia, Jessica Choppin Roney's Governed by a Spirit of Opposition reframes our understanding of public life in this corner of early America, and its place in the wider literature on the British Atlantic.
Book Details
Series Editor's Foreword
1. "Named Before Thou Wert Born": A City Imagined and Realized
2. Intoxicated with Power: Chartering the Philadelphia Corporation
3. For a General
Series Editor's Foreword
1. "Named Before Thou Wert Born": A City Imagined and Realized
2. Intoxicated with Power: Chartering the Philadelphia Corporation
3. For a General Benefit: Developing Popular Voluntary Associations
4. Amidst "Rancour and Party Hatred": Association by Exclusion
5. Lending in Plain Sight: Covert Banks
6. Private Men Interfering with Government: Taking Over from the State
7. Mars Ascendant: The Military Association and the Reconstitution of Government
Essay on Sources