She creatively and thoughtfully brings together three growing areas of historical scholarship: disability rights, technical developments in computing, and users of personal computers.
By underlining, once more, how we can come to know the truth about certain claims through empirical and historical inquiries, Petrick’s book represents a significant advance in answering questions related to human–machine interaction.
This welcome text addresses the nexus between historical perspectives of computer technology development and disability rights. Important to disability, technology, and communication studies scholars, as well as to universal design practitioners, Petrick puts into perspective the strategic partnerships that are necessary for the existence of accessible computer technology for PwD.
A deeply researched, extremely well written, and cutting-edge book. Elizabeth Petrick wisely focuses not on hardware and software but on potential and actual users; on the evolution of a consumer culture of persons with various disabilities eager for personal computers to change their lives; on major corporate players like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft; and on shifting societal values and legislation that moved from treating persons with disabilities as separate from the American mainstream to treating them as part of that mainstream. Indeed, in this first-rate history of technology, she effectively integrates developments in both hardware and software with cultural, social, economic, and psychological developments.
Book Details
1. Disability Rights and Technology before the Personal Computer
2. Early Personal Computer Accessibility, 1980–1987
3. Corporate Philanthropy and the National Special
1. Disability Rights and Technology before the Personal Computer
2. Early Personal Computer Accessibility, 1980–1987
3. Corporate Philanthropy and the National Special Education Alliance
4. The Growth of Disability Rights and Accessible Computer Technologies
5. Accessibility and Software Applications in the 1990s
A Note on Theory, Method, and Sources