This is a fine resource for individuals teaching or practicing in the fields of international health, public health, health policy, or medical education, as well as individuals in social work and education. The authors’ informative treatise introduces practitioners, educators, and policy makers to the fundamentals of promoting community-centered and cost-effective social change. Recommended.
Just and Lasting Change is a valuable resource for anyone interested in international health, underdevelopment, and community empowerment.
A 'must-read' for those seeking to carry out or to understand true change in health equity and health improvement. Just and Lasting Change makes a unique contribution to the field by detailing how a continuous empowerment process of skill and will can realize the potential for cumulative growth in development programs.
This book is both a description and a prescription: a description of some such communities, and the process through which they achieved enviable health levels, as well as a prescription for other societies to follow suit... This is the one book I would unhesitatingly recommend to anyone interested in underdevelopment and health.
This book describes in detail a concept of community development that is not only exciting but eminently practical and capable of achieving positive results. The SEED-SCALE model for international development presented in Just and Lasting Change is based on the need for local consensus and cooperation, recognizing that when community residents, government officials, and outside experts work together, they can create the proper environment for sustainable development. Applicable to any community where growth has been lagging, whether in the developing or the developed world, SEED-SCALE has been repeatedly tested and proven successful. In spelling out so succinctly the manner in which community development can be stimulated through the SEED-SCALE concept, this book makes a valuable contribution to the literature on sustainable development.
Book Details
Glossary: The SEED-SCALE Process
Part I: The Claim: A Just and Lasting Future Is Possible
Chapter 1. Getting Started
Chapter 2. Our Maturing Understanding of Community Change
Glossary: The SEED-SCALE Process
Part I: The Claim: A Just and Lasting Future Is Possible
Chapter 1. Getting Started
Chapter 2. Our Maturing Understanding of Community Change
Chapter 3. Making a Large and Lasting Impact
Chapter 4. Synopsis of SEED-SCALE
Chapter 5. Assuring Accountability through Better Paperwork
Chapter 6. A Crisis Can Become an Opportunity
Part II: Historical Demonstrations
Chapter 7. The World's First Example of Intentional, Community-Based Development: Ding Xian, China
Chapter 8. Abraham Lincoln: Setting America's Modernization in Motion
Chapter 9. An Evolving Balance between People and Nature: The Adirondacks, New York
Chapter 10. Development without Wealth: Kerala, India
Part III: Evidence from the Community Level
Chapter 11. A Better Pattern for Cities: Curitiba, Brazil
Chapter 12. The Role of Conceptual and Cultural Breakthroughs: Narangwal, India
Chapter 13. Out of the Shadows: Women in Afghanistan
Chapter 14. Evolution of a World Training Center: Jamkhed, India
Chapter 15. Addiction as a Barrier to Development: Gadchiroli, India
Chapter 16. The Green Bay Packers: Community-Owned Energy
Part IV: Large-Scale Applications
Chapter 17. Scaling Up Tobacco Control: Creating Authority by International Convention
Chapter 18. Urban Agriculture: A Powerful Engine for Sustainable Cities
Chapter 19. Communities and Government Learning to Work Together: CLAS in Peru
Chapter 20. Integrating Conservation with Development: Tibet, China
Chapter 21. Going to Scale with Health Care: China's Model Counties
Chapter 22. A University's Actions in Apartheid South Africa
Chapter 23. A Promising Start Derailed: Kakamega, Kenya
Conclusion: Patterns to Own Our Futures
Appendix A. A Handbook on SEED: Initiating Growth
Appendix B. A Handbook on SCALE: Growth in Improvement and Participation
Authors and Contributors