Eminently readable – applicable to and appropriate for all ages - this text anticipates and answers questions regarding the length and breadth of our current contemporary Sexually Transmitted Infections. When initially published in 2008 this outstanding text was vital, valuable and much needed; then, when published as a Second Edition in 2016 this text is even more vital, valuable and even more needed.
Don't be surprised if you find yourself thinking, ‘That sounds like me!’ Dr. Grimes gives us the much needed reality check and the necessary information to prevent us from becoming a character in Seductive Delusions.
One of my students asked, ‘Is it weird if some of the people in my group are reading this book like it is The Hunger Games?’ I thought that was a compliment to Dr. Grimes and Seductive Delusions!
Grimes debunks the 'seductive delusion' that people cannot catch STDs if they choose the 'right' partner in a readable and well-organized book.
While probably not recreational reading, the book is a good gift for the teen in your life that just might be contemplating getting into a relationship (sexual or not).
Read the book from cover to cover... knowledge is power.
I would highly recommend this book to all sexually active young people. It is eye-opening and disturbing in the right sort of way.
[Grimes] enthralls us with gripping tales of real people facing illness and tragedy. And the kick comes with how she wisely brings the reader to be motivated to avoid the infectious danger that is truly out there. (I'm getting copies for my kids.)... SHOULD be a required textbook for all High School health classes.
Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting an STD. By sharing these very real experiences of people you and I meet every day, Dr. Grimes shows how everyday people can contract one of these preventable diseases. Everyone, including physicians, can learn from the stories in this book.
From Luke to Liz, from Meredith to Mitch, the people in this book could be anyone you know—including you. Because you like them and identify with them, you begin to believe, for real, that you, too, might get an STD and suffer the consequences. Every young person who is having sex or thinking about having sex should read this book.
What do teenagers, soccer moms, CEOs, and medical students have in common? Each is at risk of contracting an STD. Seductive Delusions illustrates the stories behind sexually transmitted disease statistics, giving faces and emotions to these contagious infections. Don't be surprised if you find yourself thinking, 'That sounds like me!' Dr. Grimes gives us the much needed reality check and the necessary information to prevent us from becoming a character in Seductive Delusions.
Dr. Jill Grimes has found an innovative way to connect with young people. By telling the stories of everyday people, she speaks to a sizeable population who assumes that because they don’t fall into a traditionally defined 'risk' group, they are not at risk for STDs.
[My] students reported that the stories of people like them made sexually transmitted diseases seem more real and the stories stuck with them much better than hearing just facts and stats
Highly recommended.
This is [a book] we whole-heartedly recommend for adolescents, their parents and teachers.
Book Details
Herpes Simplex Virus
1. Grace
2. Justin
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Facts
Human Papilloma Virus
3. Chase
4. Chloe
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Facts
Cervical Cancer
5. Rachel
Cervical Cancer Facts
Herpes Simplex Virus
1. Grace
2. Justin
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Facts
Human Papilloma Virus
3. Chase
4. Chloe
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Facts
Cervical Cancer
5. Rachel
Cervical Cancer Facts
6. Tyler
7. Sofia
Chlamydia Facts
8. Kiara
9. Logan
Gonorrhea Facts
Date Rape
10. Ashley
Date Rape Facts
11. Alyssa
12. Sean
Trichomoniasis Facts
Pubic Lice
13. Zoe
14. Ryan
Pubic Lice Facts
15. Evan
16. Tanya
HIV Facts
Hepatitis C
17. Shannon
18. Luke
Hepatitis C (HCV) Facts
19. Gavin
20. Liz
Syphilis Facts
21. Grace's Epilogue
Symptoms Index