For the last decade this book has been the unrivaled standard text on human genetic linkage analysis.
One of the best books that cover the theory behind linkage analysis. Scientists with an interest in genetic linkage analysis should definitely consider allocating space on their bookshelves for this book.
A valuable resource. It is the most accessible work on the subject, and should be in the collection of everyone interested in mapping human genes.
Overall the book achieves an excellent compromise between presenting important conclusions and working out the details... Analysis of Human Genetic Linkage is a good book that has been made substantially better. It continues to be the standard reference for every linkage analyst's library and to provide an excellent introduction for the interested beginner with a background in the biological or mathematical sciences.
Book Details
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
List of Symbols and Abbreviations
1. Introduction and Basic Genetic Principles
2. Genetic Loci and Genetic Polymorphisms
3. Aspects of Statistical Inference
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
List of Symbols and Abbreviations
1. Introduction and Basic Genetic Principles
2. Genetic Loci and Genetic Polymorphisms
3. Aspects of Statistical Inference
4. Basics of Linkage Analysis
5. The Informativeness of Family Data
6. Multipoint Linkage Analysis
7. Penetrance
8. Quantitative Phenotypes
9. Numerical and Computerized Methods
10. Variability of the Recombination Fraction
11. Inconsistencies
12. Linkage Analysis with Mendelian Disease Loci
13. Nonparametric Methods
14. Two-Locus Inheritance
15. Complex Traits
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