A monumental contribution to our knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of the eighteenth-century Spanish Empire.
A major work of considerable scholarship and valuable insight... It should be in every library concerned with Spanish history.
Few books in recent decades have been so successful in mining a vast amount of primary material in order to evoke the arguments and counter arguments that shaped policy in an Ancien Régime monarchy. The authors' account of the crisis of 1766 is stunning in its detail and mastery of political infighting.
Based on prodigious original research over several decades, these volumes [Silver, Trade, and War and Apogee of Empire, both by Stanley J. Stein and Barbara H. Stein] do much to unravel the paradox of Spain's resilience as a great power during the eighteenth century.
It resonates with the emphasis economic historians have recently accorded to institutional influences on economic development and stagnation.
An impressive work of massive proportion. It reflects extended, deep thinking about the nature of the imperial system and equally deep pursuit of the historical actors' motives. Every student of the eighteenth century in Spain and the colonies should read this book; more than any previous examination it forces reconsideration of the causes, nature, effects, and even terminology of the 'Bourbon Reforms.'
This book has been eagerly awaited from two authors who are widely respected in their field... This critical period for Spain is brilliantly recounted.
The source of a wealth of political and economic insights, and facts.
Stanley and Barbara Stein's book—meticulous in its detail and far-reaching in its international implications—will be a classic.
A very well-written book, with a clear and accessible style... A significant contribution to our understanding of early modern Spain, European history, and colonialism.
Apogee of Empire is no doubt a book everybody interested in Charles's reign should read.
Ambitious and erudite history.
Anyone interested in fundamental themes of eighteenth-century Spanish history... will find much that is new and stimulating in this book.
Will reward and reader interested in the eighteenth-century Atlantic world and the Bourbon reforms.
The gracefully written Apogee of Empire is masterfully crafted from a wide and learned vantage point. The authors have made valuable and unique contributions to the understanding of the Spanish trade policy in the eighteenth century.
Book Details
List of Monetary Equivalents
Part I: Stalemate in the Metropole
1. From Naples to Madrid
2. Renovation under Esquilache
3. The First Reglamento del Comercio Libre (1765)
4. Privilege
List of Monetary Equivalents
Part I: Stalemate in the Metropole
1. From Naples to Madrid
2. Renovation under Esquilache
3. The First Reglamento del Comercio Libre (1765)
4. Privilege and Power in Bourbon Spain: The Fall of Esquilache (1766)
Part II: The Colonial Option
5. Flotas to New Spain: The Last Phase, 1757-1778
6. The Second Reglamento del Comercio Libre (1778)
7. The Aftermath in Spain
8. A Colonial Response to Comercio Libre: New Spain
9. Incorporating New Spain into Comercio Libre (1789)
10. The French Connection: Spanish Trade Policy and France
11. Euphoria and Pessimism
12. By Way of Conclusion