... engaging volume...
Between Church and State should interest anyone hoping to gain a better understanding of religion's role in public education.
Fraser offers a highly readable history of education.
[A]n excellent summary for the general reading public seeking an understanding of the difficulties of the problem... a practical guide to public policy.
Between Church and State is simply the finest history of religion in America available. It does a superb job of mapping the complex developments of the past fifteen years while also including significant new material throughout the text. Importantly, the second volume also retains the hallmark strengths of the first edition: meticulous scholarship, accessible and engaging prose, and an unapologetic advocacy for the values of respect for pluralism as a foundation for deep democracy. Through this volume, Professor Fraser solidifies his position as the premier scholar of the history of religion and education in the United States.
Fraser’s masterful synthesis is the best book in print on the history of religion and education in the United States. The prose is lively, the content authoritative. This wonderful second edition incorporates much new historical scholarship and brings the story up to date. I plan to use it in several of my classes.
The evolution of American doctrine on the relationship of church and state has been forged in contests over the place of religion in public schools and the role of the government in religious schools. And the tensions in the struggle to find the right balance have been heightened as America has become more self-consciously pluralistic about religion and as more and more religion has become a cover for political action. Jim Fraser, in this new edition of his wonderful primer on the subject, provides us all with a vehicle to understand the issues and evaluate the available approaches.
Book Details
1. From Holy Commonwealth to "No Laws Respecting the Establishment of Religion," 1600–1792
2. Creating an American Common School and a Common Faith: Horace Mann and the
1. From Holy Commonwealth to "No Laws Respecting the Establishment of Religion," 1600–1792
2. Creating an American Common School and a Common Faith: Horace Mann and the Protestant Public Schools, 1789–1860
3. Roman Catholics and the Common School Movement, 1801–1892
4. Church and School in Slave and Free Communities, 1802–1902
5. Native American Religion, Christian Missionaries, and Government Schools, 1819–1978
6. The Many Origins of the Scopes Trial, 1859–1925
7. Prayer, Bible Reading, and Federal Money: The Expanding Role of Congress and the Supreme Court, 1918–1968
8. Culture Wars, Creationism, the Courts, and the Reagan Revolution, 1968–1990
9. Changing School Boards, Curriculum, and the Constitution, 1990–2000
10. Creationism, Money, the Courts, and the Curriculum: The Battle for the Schools of the Twenty-First Century
For Further Reading