John Eric Goff once again demonstrates his facility for writing about the physics of practical matters in a manner that is accessible to a wide audience. As a physicist myself, I admire the ease with which he accomplishes this without writing down a single formula.
A fascinating, accessible examination of Krav Maga techniques from a scientific perspective. Goff explains, using entertaining everyday examples, how understanding physical concepts such as mass, momentum, and inertia can help readers defend themselves effectively in a wide variety of threatening situations.
Book Details
1. A Strong Mind in a Strong Body
Warrior Krav Maga and Physics
What about math?!?
Intuitive Physics
What if I freeze?!?
Exercise and Food
The Greatness of Science
Evolution and Krav Maga
Training Time
1. A Strong Mind in a Strong Body
Warrior Krav Maga and Physics
What about math?!?
Intuitive Physics
What if I freeze?!?
Exercise and Food
The Greatness of Science
Evolution and Krav Maga
Training Time!
2. Disrupting Balance
Center of Mass
Why do we fall?
How to Keep YOUR Balance
Newton's Third Law Aside
Vulnerable Areas
A Little Push is All It Takes
A Real Need to Disrupt Balance
3. The Need for Speed!
What is speed?
Hammer Fist
Jab Cross!
What if you have a gun to your head?
4. Take Control
Head and Side Control
360 Outside Defense
Beware of Stick Kinetic Energy!
5. Making Use of Leverage
Mechanical Advantage Basics
It Doesn't Take Much Force
Leverage for Restraint Instead of Pain
A Bridge to Freedom
From Lug Wrench to Clavicle
6. Linear Momentum and the Flyby
The Flyby
Bend Those Knees!
Practice with Pads!
On to Fighting!
Time to Sprawl!
Gun Momentum
7. We Need More Power!
Potential Energy and Power
Elbow Power!
Warrior Combinations
Watch your side!
Ouch, my knee!
8. Rotate Your Way to Safety
Rotation Basics
Inflicting Pain Up Close
Rotate Out of that Headlock!
Rotate that Knife!
Time to Terminate the Chapter
9. Using Weapons
What Makes a Knife Sharp?
Slice and Dice Time
A Few Gun Basics
Hostage Situation
10. Do Whatever It Takes!
The Bad Kind of Hoodie
A Cold Long Rifle
Hot Weapon
Final Words