Important and timely, this book ties together the research happening in digital media and learning with that happening in formal educational institutions to illuminate key issues surrounding technology and schools. A real step forward.
Useful, informative, and innovative, Diversifying Digital Learning brings together top scholars in the field of education to cover a variety of relevant and timely topics. The collection is interesting not just from an academic standpoint but an ethical one; this book is a worthy addition to our understanding of the issues surrounding equity and education.
Book Details
1. Mapping the Terrain, by William G. Tierney and Suneal Kolluri
2. Equitable Education for Democracy in the Digital Age, by Joseph Kahne, Christina Evans, Erica Hodgin, and Young Whan
1. Mapping the Terrain, by William G. Tierney and Suneal Kolluri
2. Equitable Education for Democracy in the Digital Age, by Joseph Kahne, Christina Evans, Erica Hodgin, and Young Whan Choi
3. Computer Science for All, by Joanna Goode, Julie Flapan, and Jane Margolis
4. Facilitating Digital Access, by Zoë B. Corwin and Antar A. Tichavakunda
5. Reimagining STEM, by S. Craig Watkins
6. Diversifying Digital Clubhouses, by Amanda Ochsner
7. Supporting Youth to Envision Careers in Computer Science, by Crystle Martin
8. African American Youth Tumbling Toward Mental Health Support-Seeking and Positive Academic Outcomes, by Lynette Kvasny and Fay Cobb Payton
9. Black Student Lives Matter, by David J. Leonard and Safiya Umoja Noble
Conclusion, by Amanda Ochsner, Zoë B. Corwin, and William G. Tierney