Teaford has written an exceptionally useful book for undergraduate teaching. His discussion of American cities in the twentieth century is built around clear interpretive themes that students should quickly recognize and to which they can reasonably be asked to respond... This is a book well designed for undergraduate use.
A lively, thoughtful, and well-written book that should prove to be exciting for the undergraduate student and useful also for the well-read scholar.
This book has value for all students of modern urban America. Do I plan to use it for my own urban history course? Yes, most definitely.
The book has much to recommend it as a supplementary textbook for a number of urban and historical geography courses.
Book Details
1. Problem, Promise, and Reality
2. The Century Begins, 1900–1919
The Downtown
The Neighborhoods
Righting the Urban Wrongs
3. Promises Thwarted
The Failure of Moral Reform
The Failure of Political
1. Problem, Promise, and Reality
2. The Century Begins, 1900–1919
The Downtown
The Neighborhoods
Righting the Urban Wrongs
3. Promises Thwarted
The Failure of Moral Reform
The Failure of Political Reform
The Imperfect Mosaic
Automobiles and the Promise of Suburbia
4. An Interlude in Urban Development, 1930–1945
The Depression
The Federal Response
The Wartime City
5. Suburbia Triumphant, 1945–1964
Suburban Boom
Central-City Bust
Reviving the Central City
6. An Age of "Urban Crisis," 1964–1979
Rebellion and Crime
Washington's Response to Urban Crisis
The Fiscal Crisis
The New Ethnic Politics
7. Toward a New Metropolis, 1980 and Beyond
Renaissance or Bust
The New Ethnic Mosaic
The Post-suburban Metropolis
8. The Turn-of-the-Century City
Revival amid the Ruins
Stopping Sprawl
Bibliographical Essay