This book could prove useful for those interested in the process and contributing factors of health policy formation such as scholars and professionals in the fields of governance, medicine, and public health.
One of the most important books in health care policy to have been written in years. It demonstrates that institutions and politics do matter. Governing Health is stimulating, thoughtful, and well written. It is highly recommended for all those who teach and study health care policy.
For those unacquainted with the health policy process, this book is valuable for its comprehensive view of the policy process and its up-to-date information about the major institutions and policy actors... This book probably will be most useful to the health professional seeking to learn more, both generally and in particular, about the politics of health policy. Governing Health also brings together and systematically organizes many of the political scientists' most relevant concepts, typologies, and maxims—which add perspective and are useful for their interpretive power.
A useful textbook for those in medical care with only a passing knowledge of the patterns of federal policy making in the postwar period.
No other book offers a better overview of what every health professional or anyone who is intensely interested in health affairs should know about policymaking.
Even for those who have studied health policy extensively, the Weisserts' book is so thorough (and absorbing) that one can expect to encounter new information, research findings, and insights.
Weissert and Weissert have written one of the most comprehensive treatments of health care policy in the US... This case study is a must read due to its focus on strategies used by actors.
Book Details
Chapter 1. The Policy Process
Chapter 2. Congress
Chapter 3. The Presidency
Chapter 4. Interest Groups
Chapter 5. The Bureaucracy
Chapter 6. States and Health Care Reform
Chapter 1. The Policy Process
Chapter 2. Congress
Chapter 3. The Presidency
Chapter 4. Interest Groups
Chapter 5. The Bureaucracy
Chapter 6. States and Health Care Reform