One of the best arguments presented for some time in favor of close, minute, and accurate scholarship. [Jones] harnesses his learning to a definite end, and produces results which may come as a surprise to traditional humanists.
Book Details
Chapter 1. The Economic Basis of the Athenian Democracy
Chapter 2. The Athens of Demosthenes
Chapter 3. The Athenian Democracy and Its Critics
Chapter 4. The Social Structure of Athens in the Fourth
Chapter 1. The Economic Basis of the Athenian Democracy
Chapter 2. The Athens of Demosthenes
Chapter 3. The Athenian Democracy and Its Critics
Chapter 4. The Social Structure of Athens in the Fourth Century B.C.
Chapter 5. How Did the Athenian Democracy Work?
Appendix. The Citizen Population of Athen during the Peloponnesian War
Index of Passages Cited
General Index