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Lizards of the World

Natural History and Taxon Accounts

Gordon H. Rodda

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The first, definitive reference on the natural history and ecology of every one of the known 6500+ species of lizards, spanning the entire globe.

Our planet is literally crawling with lizards. More than 6500 species are known to science, and new species are being discovered annually. In this monumental work, eminent researcher Gordon Rodda has created the first compilation of the natural histories of all the world's lizards and amphisbaenians, as well as the Tuatara. Although other books have attempted to survey the scope of adaptations present in the world's lizards, only Rodda has been able...

The first, definitive reference on the natural history and ecology of every one of the known 6500+ species of lizards, spanning the entire globe.

Our planet is literally crawling with lizards. More than 6500 species are known to science, and new species are being discovered annually. In this monumental work, eminent researcher Gordon Rodda has created the first compilation of the natural histories of all the world's lizards and amphisbaenians, as well as the Tuatara. Although other books have attempted to survey the scope of adaptations present in the world's lizards, only Rodda has been able to quantify and summarize all species or higher taxa.

Analyzing the relationships among traits such as morphologic characteristics, reproductive strategies, and food sources, Rodda uncovers novel insights into reptile ecology. Identifying 14 recurring character syndromes across all the world's lizards, he proposes a new lens for categorization. He also touches on

• common names
• geographic range
• length
• mass
• age
• maturation
• differences between the sexes
• nominal variables, including diel activity cycle and foraging mode
• home range
• predator avoidance tactics
• thermal biology
• social spacing
• climate envelope
• habitat and microhabitat
• reproduction
• parental care
• diet
• population density
• conservation status
• ecological business models

Rodda's alphabetical taxon accounts provide an instantly retrievable sketch of every species, genus, and family. Outlining more than 1500 statistically significant associations extracted from a data matrix composed of more than 300 conditions tabulated—to the extent known—for all 6528 species of lizards, Lizards of the World will be the go-to source for the next generation of reptile ecologists, as well as herpetology students and serious herpetoculturists.



Rodda has given us a new framework for thinking about lizard natural history... Any scholar of lizard biology or natural history should think of adding this book to their library. It will be a wonderful resource for years to come.

Anyone who wants to deeply understand the true nature of what makes a lizard a lizard will be left in awe of the level of scholarship, detailed research, thought, and creativity that went into this unique contribution... It absolutely belongs on the shelf of any lab with even a passing interest in herpetology and in every university library, if only for the sheer number of masters and doctoral theses it is sure to inspire.

Lizards of the World is an absolute must for any serious lizard biologist or graduate student planning to work with lizards. The price is hefty, but accounting for the time it would require to track down natural history data for any single species without this book makes it worth every cent... Serious readers will learn a lot of ecology and evolutionary biology from the text and should come away with a nearly unlimited set of ideas for future research.

From Ablepharus to Zygaspis this book was a massive, unparalleled undertaking. The result is indisputably the most thorough coverage ever published of the biology of every known lizard in the world... This volume will be an essential reference for anyone conducting research on any species of lizard anywhere in the world. Its value as a source of natural history information cannot be overstated.


Book Details

Publication Date
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Illustration Description
71 color photos, 69 b&w photos, 12 line drawings
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction and Methods
The Interplay between Ecological and Phylogenetic Causation
Size Estimation
Analytical Methods

Chapter 2. What Are Lizards?

Chapter 1. Introduction and Methods
The Interplay between Ecological and Phylogenetic Causation
Size Estimation
Analytical Methods

Chapter 2. What Are Lizards?
Sexually Differing Traits
The Modal Lizard

Chapter 3. Linkages
Methods Unique to This Chapter
Sexual Size Dimorphism
Time of Day (Diel Activity)
Predator Concealment Tactics
Reproduction Allocation
Population Density/Biomass
Imperiled Lizards
Next Steps

Chapter 4. Ecological Business Models
Crack Hermit
Diurnal Canopy Walker
Giant Herbivore
Ground-foraging Tree Lizard
Immobility Expert
Litter Cryptozoid
Nocturnal Canopy Walker
Nocturnal Ground Lizard
Refugia-anchored Diurnal Ground Lizard
Sand Shark
Subterranean Forager
Trunk/Wall Lizard
Wide-ranging Chemosensor
Overview of Ecological Business Models

Chapter 5. Taxon Accounts
(alphabetical by family or genus name; use index to search by English name)
A (Ablepharus to Australolacerta)
B (Bachia to Bunopus)
C (Cadeidae and Cadea to Cyrtopodion)
D (Dactylocnemis to Dryadosaura)
E (Ebenavia to Exila)
F (Feylinia to Furcifer)
G (Gallotia to Gymnophthalmus)
H (Haackgreerius to Hypsilurus)
I (Iberolacerta to Isopachys)
J (Janetaescincus to Jarujinia)
K (Kaestlea to Kolekanos)
L (Lacerta to Lyriocephalus)
M (Mabuya to Morunasaurus)
N (Nactus to Nucras)
O (Oedodera to Ouroborus)
P (Pachycalamus to Pygopus)
Q (Quedenfeldtia)
R (Ramigekko to Rondonops)
S (Saara to Strophurus)
T (Tachygyia to Tytthoscincus)
U (Uma to Uvidicolus)
V (Vanzosaura to Voeltzkowia)
W (Woodworthia)
X (Xantusia to Xenosauridae and Xenosaurus)
Z (Zonosaurus to Zygaspis)

A. Database Fields and Comments on Their Tabulation
B. Methods for Quantifying Lizard Sizes
C. Standards for Qualification of Absolute Population Densities
Literature Cited

Author Bio
Featured Contributor

Gordon H. Rodda

Gordon H. Rodda is a zoologist emeritus at the United States Geological Survey's Fort Collins Science Center. He is a coeditor of Problem Snake Management: The Habu and Brown Treesnake.

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