In this first-ever consideration of what makes patient safety unique, John Banja sets out a new framework for our consideration, enriched by considering medical malpractice cases. This is welcome food for thought, and interviews with thought-leaders in the patient safety domain are the icing on the cake.
This is a wise and original volume that will inspire practitioners and institutions to embrace their professionalism and resist countervailing forces that can degrade care. A must-read for twenty-first-century medicine.
Once again John Banja forces us to look at the role and responsibilities of caregivers to reassess their engagement in ensuring a culture of safety for patients. A thoughtful and important read to further elevate discussions about safety and accountability in healthcare.
John Banja has been an important thought leader in the disclosure and apology movement, and now with this book he is helping us frame and improve our thinking on patient safety.
Banja's work on the ethics of safety offers a much-needed practical account of where duties concerning safety sit in relation to duties to patients, colleagues, and communities.
While ethics in healthcare most frequently focuses on patient rights, Dr. Banja examines the delivery side of that equation. Using safe care as an ethical imperative for the system, he proposes ethical constructs by which to measure our efforts. Patient Safety Ethics is provocative, intriguing, and ultimately humbling.
Book Details
Part I. Patient Safety and Ethical Theory: The Significance of Vigilance, Mindfulness, Compliance, and Humility
Chapter 1. Ethical Foundations of Patient Safety
Chapter 2. Vigilance
Interview with
Part I. Patient Safety and Ethical Theory: The Significance of Vigilance, Mindfulness, Compliance, and Humility
Chapter 1. Ethical Foundations of Patient Safety
Chapter 2. Vigilance
Interview with Richard Cook
Chapter 3. Mindfulness
Interview with Pat Croskerry
Chapter 4. Compliance
Chapter 5. Humility
Interview with June Price Tangney
Part II. Some Theoretical Musings on Harm and Risk, Medical Error, and Medical Malpractice Litigation as an Ethical Exercise
Chapter 6. Some Theoretical Aspects of Vigilance and Risk Acceptability
Chapter 7. Fifty Shades of Error
Interview with Fran Charney
Chapter 8. The Standard of Care and Medical Malpractice Law as Ethical Achievement
Interview with Tommy Malone
Chapter 9. The Present and the Future
Interview with Bob Wachter