As one who often finds himself reading news reports, commentary, and other material on a wide range of wildlife conservation issues, many of which seem mind-bogglingly perplexing in their complexity and – from an amateur's perspective – wholly beyond human capability to solve, I am very excited to see such a book as this now available that can provide not only an insight into how wildlife management professionals approach such challenges, but also that potential solutions are not only possible but are in fact already being tested and implemented in the field.
International Wildlife Management is an excellent book containing 16 chapters, including a 6 page index.
A significant contribution to the field that will assist anyone preparing for work in wildlife management, as well as wildlife managers seeking to expand their existing understanding of new challenges. This wide-ranging overview is extremely informative, interesting, and readable.
Book Details
List of Contributors
1. International Wildlife: A Global Perspective
John L. Koprowski, Paul R. Krausman, Dun Wang
2. Culture, Values, and Governance: Foundations to Systems of
List of Contributors
1. International Wildlife: A Global Perspective
John L. Koprowski, Paul R. Krausman, Dun Wang
2. Culture, Values, and Governance: Foundations to Systems of Global Wildlife Conservation
Ronald J. Regan, Shane P. Mahoney, Basile van Havre, Colman O Criodain, Deborah M. Hahn
3. Invasive Species: The Challenges of Nonnative Species Establishment and Spread to Native Wildlife Populations
Sandro Bertolino, Lucas A. Wauters, Adriano Martinoli
4. Appreciation, Encouragement, and Rating of Wildlife and Nature Conservation on Private Lands
Delwin E. Benson, Wouter van Hoven, Yves Lecocq, Bob van den Brink
5. Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
Hsiang Ling Chen, Gabrielle Beca, Mauro Galetti, Chiachun Tsai, Wei Hua Xu, Jing Jing Zhang, Patrick Zollner
6. Consequences of Climate Change for Wildlife
Marta A. Jarzyna, Victoria L. Atkin Dahm, Benjamin Zuckerberg, William F. Porter
7. Global Energy Sprawl: Scale and Solutions
Joseph M. Kiesecker, David E. Naugle
8. Wildlife Disease Management in the Global Context
Samantha M. Wisely
9. The Effects of Wildlife-Based Ecotourism
Walt Anderson, Marissa C. G. Altmann
10. Carnivores, Coexistence, and Conservation in the Anthropocene
David Christianson, Menna Jones
11. Moving Animals in the Right Direction: Making Conservation Translocation an Effective Tool
Ronald R. Swaisgood, Carlos Ruiz-Miranda
12. Poaching, Illegal Wildlife Trade, and Bushmeat Hunting in India and South Asia
Shekhar K. Niraj, Shreya Sethi, S. P. Goyal, Amar N. Choudhary
13. Management of Migratory Wildlife and Others Influenced by Borderlands
Andrea Santangeli, Shambhu Paudel
14. International Organizations and Programs for Wildlife Conservation
John F. Organ, Gonzalo Medina-Vogel, Tsuyoshi Yoshida
15. Local Approaches and Community-Based Conservation
John L. Koprowski, José F. González-Maya, Diego A. Zárrate-Charry, Uday R. Sharma, Craig Spencer
16. Getting Involved: Advice for Students and Wildlife Professionals
Robert A. McCleery, Julie T. Shapiro, Karen Bailey, Thomas K. Frazer