Margaret Marsh and Wanda Ronner are clear in what they advocate... they are wonderfully level-headed guides.
The 'infertility sisters' have done it again! This book is a page-turning history of how new reproductive technologies and treatments have transformed women's experiences with infertility. Marsh and Ronner mix a medical narrative, enlivened with quotations from interviews with many of the physicians involved, with moving stories of individual women and families, and with discussion of the social and political contexts in which changes occurred. They provide a rich and absorbing account that informs current debates.
This book is much more than a medical and technological history of infertility treatment. It is that, but it is also a story of generosity and greed, joy and sorrow, triumph and tragedy, politics and policies, miracles and mistakes. It is a story that is both moving and enlightening.
It is rare that one runs into a book this prescient on what was to be the technology that vanquished barrenness. Epochal if well-grounded, the searing, indeed gripping, narrative remains ever-captivating from prologue to epilogue.
Medicine's ability to help infertile couples has outpaced American society's willingness to assess the ramifications of, and develop regulations for, assisted reproductive technologies. Marsh and Ronner describe this fascinating history from all angles—the social, the scientific, the medical, and the personal. They have written not only a history of the complexities and consequences of infertility treatment, but also a history of the triumphs, tragedies, and moral ambiguities inherent in modern American medicine.
Another triumph from this complementary pairing—the 'infertility sisters' have produced an accessible, sensitive, and thought-provoking history of assisted reproduction in contemporary America. Tracing the perspectives of both patients and practitioners within their social and political context, this controversial and fascinating history is a must-read for anyone with an academic or personal interest in infertility and its treatment.
The dynamic sister duo Marsh and Ronner are at it again, seamlessly weaving historical and gynecological perspectives to tell new stories about the age-old issue of infertility. The Pursuit of Parenthood focuses on the crucial issue of technological interventions into reproduction from the twentieth century to the present. This book will stand as an essential history of assisted reproductive technologies, providing a fascinating and eminently-readable overview of the social and political changes shaping modern-day family formation in the context of infertility.
An accurate portrayal of the history of the pioneers of assisted reproductive technologies, combined with a fair assessment of current ethical issues and tales of developments to come, all presented with a humanistic bent. An immediate classic.
An engaging, well-written, and well-researched account of all aspects of reproductive technology over the past few decades: political, social, and ethical. Marsh and Ronner are the ideal authors for such a book. Here, they carefully tease out the multiple factors that contributed to the current messy state of assisted reproduction. The Pursuit of Parenthood is accessible, important, and very timely.
In this timely and engaging study of the past, present, and future of assisted reproduction, historian Margaret Marsh and physician Wanda Ronner have marshalled their complementary strengths to sound a clarion call for a saner approach to the business of making babies in America.
Book Details
Introduction. The Past as Prologue
Chapter 1. Test-Tube Babies Just around the Corner
Chapter 2. From First Dream to First Baby
Chapter 3. IVF Comes to America
Chapter 4. From Miracle
Introduction. The Past as Prologue
Chapter 1. Test-Tube Babies Just around the Corner
Chapter 2. From First Dream to First Baby
Chapter 3. IVF Comes to America
Chapter 4. From Miracle Births to Medical Mainstream
Chapter 5. The Elusive Search for National Consensus
Chapter 6. A Lot of Money Being Made
Chapter 7. Beyond Infertility
Chapter 8. Can the Wild West of Reproductive Medicine Be Tamed?
Appendix. Assisted Reproductive Technologies by (Some of) the Numbers