Golden Rice is a thoughtful and carefully documented tale of how difficult it can be to take something that works in the laboratory and get it to the people who stand to benefit from it.
In just over 200 pages, Regis gives a crash course on genetic engineering and explains the messy history of Golden Rice, disabusing the reader of many popular myths along the way.
Golden Rice is a morality tale that tells us that erring on the side of caution isn't always the right thing to do. It should be compulsory reading for all Greenpeace activists.
Thirty million people inject themselves with insulin daily with little concern for its GMO origin. In contrast, a million people each year go blind and then die of vitamin A deficiency, despite the 2002 Golden Rice solution. Should we have spent money to improve that imperfect solution or to thwart it? Ed Regis delivers a riveting tale, well-researched and with implications far beyond this medical food microcosm—to the processes by which revolutions occur in our midst.
Book Details
Chapter 1. Child Killer
Chapter 2. Proof of Concept
Chapter 3. GR 0.5 and Beyond
Chapter 4. The Protocol
Chapter 5. What Is a GMO?
Chapter 6. Safe to Eat?
Chapter 7. Golden Rice 2
Chapter 8. Better
Chapter 1. Child Killer
Chapter 2. Proof of Concept
Chapter 3. GR 0.5 and Beyond
Chapter 4. The Protocol
Chapter 5. What Is a GMO?
Chapter 6. Safe to Eat?
Chapter 7. Golden Rice 2
Chapter 8. Better Than Spinach
Chapter 9. The Mistake
Chapter 10. The "Crime against Humanity"
Chapter 11. The Approvals
Epilogue. The Proactionary Principle
Appendix. L'affaire Schubert