An excellent original contribution to the reinvigorated field of American political history. Peart has terrific command of the details of congressional maneuvering and tariff policy and explains them with ease.
A very important and valuable book. Peart has provided the clearest and most comprehensive account ever of the efforts to promote (or thwart) the encouragement of American manufacturing through national policy from the end of the War of 1812 to the start of the Civil War. Students and scholars of the history of capitalism, political economy, and antebellum party politics are all in Peart's debt and will greatly benefit from his work.
In the best book about tariffs in the early republic since F. W. Taussig's classic study, Daniel Peart has cast a keen light on the evolution of lobbying before the Civil War. While its discoveries impose a specific duty on every student of political economy in the antebellum period to read it, prose this graceful makes the task feel duty-free.
Good books often teach us something new about subjects which we thought we already knew. Daniel Peart's magnificently researched and most enlightening Lobbyists and the Making of US Tariff Policy, 18161861 is one such book. It clearly demonstrates that outside lobbyists, whether self-appointed or delegated, had as much, if not more, to do with the formulation of pre–Civil War tariff policy as either party or sectional affiliation.
Of all the economic issues that bedeviled the early American republic, the tariff stands foremost—and is also foremost among the topics neglected by historians. Daniel Peart’s book is a significant contribution to understanding the American tariff upheavals of the nineteenth century. By focusing on lobbying efforts of protectionists, he profoundly adds to our knowledge of how tariffs were crafted. What is amazing, and thoroughly welcome, is that he achieves this feat in graceful prose.
Hurrah! At last a thoroughly researched and lucidly written book that graphically explains the most persistent political issue of the nineteenth century and, in the process, gives us sharp insights into how Congress actually worked before the Civil War.
Essential reading for students of nineteenth-century politics, and of American tax and lobbying history more broadly. Peart’s masterfully researched, elegantly constructed book reveals the drama of how special interest lobbying, party, and section interacted to shape antebellum America’s critically important, hotly contested tariff policymaking.
Book Details
Series Editor’s Foreword
Chapter One. "Men of Talents": The Tariff of 1816
Chapter Two. "More Than a Mere Manufacturing Question": The Baldwin Bill of 1820 and the Tariff
Series Editor’s Foreword
Chapter One. "Men of Talents": The Tariff of 1816
Chapter Two. "More Than a Mere Manufacturing Question": The Baldwin Bill of 1820 and the Tariff of 1824
Chapter Three. "An Engine of Party Purposes": The Woollens Bill of 1827 and the Tariff of 1828
Chapter Four. "Calculate the Value of the Union": The Tariffs of 1832 and 1833
Chapter Five. "Trembling upon the Verge of Success and Defeat": The Tariffs of 1842 and 1846
Chapter Six. "The Almighty Dollar": The Tariffs of 1857 and 1861
Appendix. Key Congressional Roll Calls on Tariff Legislation, 1816–1861
Essay on Sources