An inspiring and convincing look at how anyone involved in higher education can nurture generosity and help integrate their institutions into their communities to further the public good. With its call for generosity and community-building that is potentially revolutionary, Kathleen Fitzpatrick's Generous Thinking is an indispensable addition to conversations on the state of higher education today.
For anyone concerned with the future of higher education, Fitzpatrick makes a passionate argument for a simple yet potentially revolutionary idea.
Generous Thinking offers us a plan to move our national thinking about higher education in a way that enlivens our democracy.
Generous Thinking is one important step toward recovering the lost value of the university. [Fitzpatrick's] work, which clearly demonstrates how to think generously in the academy, can help make the case for increased public investment in higher education.
Fitzpatrick's work is bracing, lucid, theoretically rich, and, crucially, accessible to a general reader.
A worthy and timely book, and an eloquent example of the critical generosity it advocates. Generous Thinking makes an important contribution to the ever-expanding debate about the role of the humanities in public life.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick is one of the smartest and most nimble intellectuals and theorists working in academia today. In Generous Thinking she challenges us to reimagine the university, the work we do, how we do it, and how we share and evaluate it. Fitzpatrick offers a subtle and thoughtful reflection on the meaning, purposes, and possibilities of the university, which she argues must deepen its embrace of the broader public beyond its walls if it is to survive. This book should be read by everyone committed to determining how to save the public university from its neoliberal handlers and its own self-defeating and self-destructive policies and practices.
This book challenges the competitiveness of academic life and instead proposes a model of community and collectivity. Fitzpatrick calls on professors to engage with each other and beyond the campus. Embodying generous thinking, she is attentive at every turn to the risks as well as the strengths of her ideas.
Book Details
Chapter 1. On Generosity
Chapter 2. Reading Together
Chapter 3. Working in Public
Chapter 4. The University
Conclusion. The Path Forward