Livak's book, written in a lively and engaging tone, will be a powerful intervention in an important field that is in need of reinvigoration. Each chapter represents a fresh argument. Livak boldly contests long-established prejudices while building impressively on his previous work on Russian emigration.
Livak’s book is a thorough revision of conceptual frameworks that informed the study of Russian literary modernism for decades. By exposing deficiencies of terminological apparatus, chronology, and dominant visions of modernism’s interaction with contemporaneous ideological and aesthetic systems, Livak’s study productively remaps Russian modernism as a subject of scholarly investigation.
Leonid Livak’s book accomplishes two important tasks: it maps the variegated and factionalized world of Russian modernism at home and abroad and, with the concept of 'communities of modernist culture,' it offers a compelling way to overcome the methodological impasse that has bedeviled modernist studies for generations. A double victory.
Book Details
Note on Translation and Transliteration
Introduction. Modernism as a Culture
Chapter 1. The Toponymical Labyrinth of Russian Modernist Culture
Chapter 2. The Errant Compass Rose of
Note on Translation and Transliteration
Introduction. Modernism as a Culture
Chapter 1. The Toponymical Labyrinth of Russian Modernist Culture
Chapter 2. The Errant Compass Rose of Russian Modernist Studies
Chapter 3. Russian Modernism in Time and Space
Chapter 4. Navigating Russia’s Cultures of Modernity
Chapter 5. Russian Modernism in the Cultural Market