The Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Virginia is one of the best fish field guides I've encountered. It covers all the fish in detail, but is small enough to easily fit in a pack or carry-on bag. The illustrations are beautiful and the text focuses on information most helpful for field identification.
The new Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes of Virginia takes on the daunting challenge of covering the 226 species of freshwater fishes found in the state in the abbreviated format of a true field guide. The authors succeed in this task, producing a book that is both informative and portable. The book's format makes it useful to a wide range of potential users, including fishers, professional biologists, and those interested in keeping native species in aquaria... I highly recommend the book.
An extraordinarily useful and beautifully illustrated field guide to the rich and diverse fish fauna that inhabit Virginia's streams, rivers, and lakes. A valuable contribution that, by putting more enlightened eyes in the field, will doubtless facilitate building knowledge of Virginia's fishes going forward while keeping abreast of their dynamic nature.
This beautiful and succinct book has some of the best illustrations out there right now. Strongly recommended. All federal biologists and academics in aquatic sciences should buy a copy.
Book Details
How to Use This Guide
Virginia's Freshwater Fishes
Fish Watching, Photographing, and Keeping
Management and Conservation
Fish Anatomy
Key to Families
Species Accounts
How to Use This Guide
Virginia's Freshwater Fishes
Fish Watching, Photographing, and Keeping
Management and Conservation
Fish Anatomy
Key to Families
Species Accounts
Select Bibliography
Scientific Name Index
Common Name Index
About the Authors