A practical handbook outlining considerations for quality assurance and quality improvement program development. This book will appeal to human research protection program professionals, institutional officials who must oversee an HRPP, and institutional review boards considering how best to structure their QA/QI functions.
Offering helpful, needed, and uniform guidance to IRB members asked to review quality assurance and quality improvement proposals, this book is of value to researchers and other stakeholders struggling with the issue of if, when, and how to review and monitor QA and QI projects in their home institutions.
Book Details
Note to Readers
Chapter 1. Introduction to Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Programs
Hila Bernstein, Jennifer A. Graf, and Jennifer Hutchinson
Note to Readers
Chapter 1. Introduction to Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement Programs
Hila Bernstein, Jennifer A. Graf, and Jennifer Hutchinson
Chapter 2. Types of QA/QI Programs: A Review of Three Models
Jennifer A. Graf and Jennifer Hutchinson
Chapter 3. Policies and Procedures
Barbara E. Bierer and Eunice Newbert
Chapter 4. Investigator Site Review
Susan Corl, Alyssa Gateman, Nareg D. Grigorian, and Sarah A. White
Chapter 5. Evaluating IRB Compliance
Jennifer A. Graf, Leslie M. Howes, Cynthia Monahan, Eunice Newbert, and Sarah A. White
Chapter 6. Metrics and Communicating Observations of Noncompliance
Leslie M. Howes and Sarah A. White
Chapter 7. Educational Programming
Elizabeth Bowie and Leslie M. Howes
Appendix A. Abbreviations and Acronyms
Appendix B. Resources