Well written, well researched, and well edited.
Brings together masterful historical analysis and detailed case studies to create a genuinely global volume, one that discusses all the key questions around teacher education with lucidity and insight. Essential reading for everyone concerned with the education of teachers.
Combines valuable historical insight with expert analyses of diverse teacher preparation programs around the world. An excellent source of background information for those concerned with improving teacher education, it draws critical attention to current and future challenges in the field.
Teaching the World's Teachers offers deep insight into the nature of teacher education. Through careful attention to specific case studies, the editors illustrate historical and contextual complexities that challenge notions of 'good' versus 'bad' teacher preparation. An important read for those who seek to improve teacher training in any context."—
This timely collection is far more than the sum of its parts. Lefty and Fraser bring together compelling accounts of developments in teacher preparation over the past four decades in eleven countries on five continents. They illuminate broader tensions between national contexts and global discourses on neoliberalism and education policy.
This beautifully written book succeeds in delivering on its ambitious promise to provide insights to help us make sense of the past and present in teacher education across the globe.
Book Details
Preface. Why Look at Teacher Preparation Globally?
Introduction. Teaching the World's Teachers: A Long and Global History
Lauren Lefty
Chapter 1. Argentina
Continuities and
Preface. Why Look at Teacher Preparation Globally?
Introduction. Teaching the World's Teachers: A Long and Global History
Lauren Lefty
Chapter 1. Argentina
Continuities and Transformations of Argentina's Teacher Education: Policies and Reforms since the Mid-Eighties
Gustavo E. Fischman and Paula Razquin
Chapter 2. Brazil
Teacher Formation in Brazil: "Old" and "New" Approaches to Teacher Training Given Today's Challenges for the Teaching Profession
Silvana Mesquita and Maria Inês Marcondes
Chapter 3. Catalonia-Spain
Preparing Teachers for the Schools We Have or for the Schools We Want? Challenges and Changes in Catalonia (Spain)
Eduard Vallory
Chapter 4. China
Teacher Education Reform and National Development in China (1978-2017): Four Metaphors
Wei Liao and Yisu Zhou
Chapter 5. England
Crisis and Opportunity in Teacher Preparation in England
Richard Andrews
Chapter 6. Finland
Teacher Education in Finland: Persistent Efforts for High-Quality Teachers
Hannele Niemi and Jari Lavonen
Chapter 7. Ghana
Transforming Teacher Preparation and Development in Ghana: Progress and Prospects
Kwame Akyeampong
Chapter 8. Israel
From Traditional to Dialogical-Reflective Teacher Training: The Case of Teacher Education in Israel
Arie Kizel and Lily Orland-Barak
Chapter 9. Singapore
Teacher Education for a Knowledge-Based Economy: The Singaporean Case
Jason Loh and Guangwei Hu
Chapter 10. South Africa
Reforming South Africa's Teaching: The Difficult Dilemmas of Teacher Education Policy Reform Post-1994
Azeem Badroodien and Carol Anne Spreen
Chapter 11. United States
Changing Paths and Enduring Debates in US American Teacher Education
Lauren Lefty and James W. Fraser
A Concluding Word
Lauren Lefty and James W. Fraser