The publication of this edited volume on the issues and solutions surrounding food insecurity on college campuses comes at a critical time. Showcasing a wide range of programs and solutions to food insecurity among college students, this completely original book is the first of its kind. University administrators, student services personnel, faculty, and policymakers need this book.
Only in the last few years has the public (and many university administrators) become aware of the fact that substantial numbers of undergraduates are so financially stressed that they face food insecurity: skipping meals, eating cheap and sometimes non-nutritious food to save money, and enduring hunger on a frequent basis. Broton, Cady, and their colleagues deserve great credit for documenting this phenomenon and successfully publicizing the issue.
An incisive history and primer on campus hunger! Punctuated by student voices and research data that defy the myth of the care-free undergrad, each chapter reveals the real struggles and aspirations of non-traditional students in poverty. Recommendations on local action and national policies are must-reads for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers.
As colleges and universities focus on closing persistent attainment gaps and increasing degree completion rates for all students, they must address the fact that food insecurity is a significant barrier to student success. This book is a critical resource and call to action for campus leaders confronting this growing campus reality.
No student should have to choose between education and eating. Weaving together students' stories with the latest evidence, the authors paint a compelling picture of the challenges facing today's college students and, most importantly, offer concrete ideas on how to improve higher education systems and policies.
Everyone who wants to understand what is driving food insecurity among college students and what to do about it should read this book. It provides useful, practical information on a wide variety of approaches to making sure that students' basic needs are met so that they can concentrate on their studies and complete their degrees.
This book highlights critical stories of students in need, as well as successful strategies for mitigating the basic needs crisis, in a way that accurately portrays the importance of student voices in creating effective change on college campuses. It explores real situations, real issues, and real solutions.
Book Details
Foreword, by Sara Goldrick-Rab
Katharine M. Broton and Clare L. Cady
Chapter 1. Food Insecurity in Higher Education
Katharine M. Broton
Chapter 2. If Not Us, Who? Building
Foreword, by Sara Goldrick-Rab
Katharine M. Broton and Clare L. Cady
Chapter 1. Food Insecurity in Higher Education
Katharine M. Broton
Chapter 2. If Not Us, Who? Building National Capacity to Address Student Food Insecurity through CUFBA
Clare L. Cady
Chapter 3. The American Federation of Teachers Local 212 / MATC FAST (Faculty and Students Together) Fund
Michael Rosen
Chapter 4. Channeling Student Idealism and Energy through Campus Organizing
Talia Berday-Sacks and James Dubick
Chapter 5. Student Action and Nonprofit Partnership: The Swipe Out Hunger Story
Rachel Sumekh
Chapter 6. The Trampoline of Public Benefits: Using Existing Resources to Fight Food Insecurity
Sarah Crawford and Nicole Hindes
Chapter 7. Transformational Change for Student Success: The California State University Basic Needs Initiative
Denise Woods-Bevly and Sabrina Sanders
Chapter 8. Research as a Catalyst for Positive Systemic Change
Jennifer J. Maguire and Rashida M. Crutchfield
Chapter 9. Amarillo College: Loving Your Student from Enrollment to Graduation
Russell Lowery-Hart, Cara Crowley, and Jordan Herrera
Chapter 10. Addressing Student Hunger through Policy Change: Leveraging Federal Food Benefits to Support College Completion
Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield and Samuel Chu
Katharine M. Broton and Clare L. Cady