This is not a book that relishes in the gore of shark attack tales, or one that recycles psychological fears of monsters in the brine; instead, as its subtitle suggests, it offers an educational overview... The book's ultimate goal, which it succeeds at, is to illustrate how integral to the ecosystem sharks are, how intertwined our lives are, and how the human threat has pushed sharks into perilous straits.
The more awareness surrounding sharks and their ecological importance the better. What Daniel Abel and Dean Grubbs have managed to do, is present big picture questions while introducing you to shark species in an exacting and undaunting way.
This book represents a comprehensive in-depth reference for the world of Sharks.
This new book is indeed what I refer to as a Goldilocks book – not too hard, not too soft, but just right... There is one thing, however, I feel compelled to warn my readers about this book: once you open its cover and begin reading, it is very, very difficult to stop reading and set it down – so plan accordingly.
If you are at all interested in sharks, skates, and rays and would enjoy a primer on their biology, this is must read for you.
Shark Biology and Conservation fills the "sweet spot" between a coffee-table book... a field guide... and a technical book... This lavishly illustrated book can provide a basic knowledge of shark biology for anyone.
This is a solid volume on the current knowledge on sharks that many people will find interesting, from the general reader to the scientist.
My shelves are crammed with shark literature, from classic scientific texts to children's books, tall stories from fishermen, identification guides, and more, but none of these volumes are as comprehensive, accessible, and amusing as this book. It is hard to stop reading long enough to write: 'This is a classic—order your first edition copy NOW!'
The latest book on shark biology and conservation, written by two of the most experienced shark biologists in the business. Covering a wide range of topics, this book is both highly entertaining and informative. I was surprised at how much I learned despite my many years of shark research.
Abel and Grubbs have produced a fine contemporary account of shark biology. Written in an accessible, conversational style, this book will be of keen interest to shark enthusiasts, students, and scientists alike.
Written in a disarming, jargon-free style, this book is highly accessible to a broad audience. At the same time, this is an authoritative, carefully researched text. It builds on the substantial experience of two highly regarded research biologists with a passion for elasmobranchs, and for communicating what they know about these animals in a straightforward way.
Authors write for two reasons: an overwhelming compulsion to tell a story, or to fill a void. Abel and Grubbs are uniquely motivated by both factors. They have written a much-needed story that they have been presenting to classes for more than twenty years. Read this story. It is flawless.
Dan and Dean are not only experienced shark scientists, but also experienced shark educators, as readers can easily tell from their latest book—their knowledge of and enthusiasm for this subject shines through on every page! This book includes science, policy, and personal stories of the authors' own adventures with these amazing and misunderstood animals. It would make a great textbook, but is also suitable for shark enthusiasts who want to learn more about sharks outside of a classroom setting.
Book Details
Part I. Overview
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Evolution of Sharks
Chapter 3. Diversity of Sharks
Part II. Adaptational Biology: How Sharks Work
Chapter 4. Functional
Part I. Overview
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Evolution of Sharks
Chapter 3. Diversity of Sharks
Part II. Adaptational Biology: How Sharks Work
Chapter 4. Functional Anatomy of Sharks
Chapter 5. Sensory Biology
Chapter 6. Reproduction
Chapter 7. Circulation, Respiration, and Metabolism
Chapter 8. Thermal Physiology, Osmoregulation, and Digestion
Part III. Ecology and Behavior
Chapter 9. Ecology
Chapter 10. Behavior and Cognition
Part IV. Human Impacts
Chapter 11. Fisheries
Chapter 12. Climate Change and Other Human Impacts
Appendix Conservation: Efforts to Protect Sharks and Rays