This book is a refreshingly lucid presentation of the barriers to achieving universal health coverage. It exudes optimism, explores old and new approaches, and inspires confidence in the role of the private sector in overcoming the barriers. An essential read for those seeking global health solutions.
Most healthcare in the world is provided by the private sector; most countries that have achieved UHC have mixed delivery systems. The authors cogently argue that governments must bring together all players to achieve the vision of UHC: high quality care with financial security for everyone. Essential reading!
The authors weave together a compelling investment case for NGO and private sector engagement to achieve health for all. 'Mixed health systems' help expand access to quality health care and have clear economic benefits. An important takeaway message from this book is to harness innovation while holding each other accountable.
Book Details
Foreword by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Introduction. The Road to Universal Health Coverage: Progress, Prospects, and the Private Sector
Chapter 1. Conceptualizing the Health Economy
Chapter 2. The
Foreword by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Introduction. The Road to Universal Health Coverage: Progress, Prospects, and the Private Sector
Chapter 1. Conceptualizing the Health Economy
Chapter 2. The Relationship between Health Employment and Economic Growth
Chapter 3. Engagement of the Private Sector in Advancing Universal Health Coverage: Understanding and Navigating Major Factors for Success
Chapter 4. Innovative Initiatives from the Private Sector: What Have the Experiences Been? What Opportunities Lie Ahead, and How Can They Be Chapter 5. Healthy Women, Healthy Economies: Essential Facets of Universal Health Coverage
Chapter 6. Reframing the Pharmaceutical Sector Contribution to Access to Medicines and Universal Health Coverage: A Business Ethics Perspective
Chapter 7. Private Sector Joins the Trek on India's Meandering Path to Universal Health Coverage
Chapter 8. A Reality Check: Sierra Leone, the Private Sector, Sustainable Development Goal 3, and Universal Health Coverage
Chapter 9. How Can the Private Sector Help Countries to Achieve Quality, Sustainable Universal Health Coverage? Pfizer's Fight against Chronic Diseases
Chapter 10. Novartis Social Business: A Novel Approach to Expanding Health Care in Developing Countries
Conclusion. The Outlook for Universal Health Coverage and the New Health Economy
List of Contributors