Ogbar does an exemplary job of providing a comprehensive overview of organizations and leaders involved in the Black Power movement.
The best account of the Black Panther Party in print... this is an outstanding work.
This book will be the standard-bearer on the subject for years to come.
An intriguing foray into a time and place in American history that has been visited far too infrequently by historians and others.
Black Power is an intellectual triumph... well organized.
An important contribution to the growing field of Black Power Studies.
[An] ambitious, challenging, and, ultimately, rewarding book.
As an introduction to the history of black power and black nationalism in mid-to-late twentieth century America, this book provides a valuable overview of the sources, central issues, and influences of those movements.
Jeffrey Ogbar's wonderfully evocative study greatly enhances our understanding of the Nation of Islam, the Black Panther Party, and the impact these groups had on Black Power era notions of self-love and collective identity. It is a welcome addition to the still-small body of scholarship which seeks to document the influence of African-American nationalist beliefs on contemporary culture and politics.
Black Power is a distinct contribution to the new scholarship on the Black freedom movement. Ogbar is among the best of a new generation of imaginative and critical scholars, probing past assumptions and challenging old understandings of such groups as the Black Panther Party and the Nation of Islam. While Ogbar's analysis is bound to become the center of lively debates, his singular interpretation rests on sound research, including an impressive array of movement interviews.
Will be a lasting contribution to the scholarship on the African American freedom struggle, on the ways in which gender and class are implicated in the construction of racial and ethnic identities, and on American race relations more generally.
Book Details
Preface to the Updated Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Introduction. For the People and of the People: Black Nationalism,
Identity, and Popular Culture
Chapter 1. An Organization of the Living: The
Preface to the Updated Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Introduction. For the People and of the People: Black Nationalism,
Identity, and Popular Culture
Chapter 1. An Organization of the Living: The Nation of Islam and
Black Popular Culture
Chapter 2. "There Go My People": The Civil Rights Movement,
Black Nationalism, and Black Power
Chapter 3. A Party for the People: The Black Freedom Movement
and the Rise of the Black Panther Party
Chapter 4. Swimming with the Masses: The Black Panthers,
Lumpenism, and Revolutionary Culture
Chapter 5. "Move Over or We'll Move Over on You": Black Power
and the Decline of the Civil Rights Movement
Chapter 6. Rainbow Radicalism: The Rise of Radical Ethnic
Conclusion. Power and the People
Epilogue. Black Nationalism after Jim Crow
Essay on Sources