The difficult topic of memory is one science has a great deal yet to learn about, and Rabins does an effective job of outlining the current research, providing an excellent resource for worried individuals, diagnosed patients, loved ones, and caregivers.
Bringing together the most significant questions, concerns, and misunderstandings about Alzheimer disease and dementia, Dr. Rabins responds with relatable explanations pertaining to some of the more common challenges and difficulties experienced by caregivers on this long and arduous journey of dementia care. A continuation of the immensely important work Dr. Rabins has presented in The 36-Hour Day.
I can think of no one more qualified than Peter V. Rabins to educate readers about dementia by answering often-asked questions. A valuable book.
An excellent, accessible, and much-needed contribution to the popular literature. This highly approachable, usable book should be a resource for all those living with dementia and their families and caregivers.
Is It Alzheimer's? offers honest answers and positive bottom-line approaches to tough decisions and questions. Dr. Rabins' unique book will have you read every word!
Book Details
Chapter 1. Should I Worry about My Memory?
Chapter 2. What Is Dementia? What Is Alzheimer Disease?
Chapter 3. What Causes Dementia? What Causes Alzheimer Disease?
Chapter 4. What Steps Can I
Chapter 1. Should I Worry about My Memory?
Chapter 2. What Is Dementia? What Is Alzheimer Disease?
Chapter 3. What Causes Dementia? What Causes Alzheimer Disease?
Chapter 4. What Steps Can I Take to Lower My Risk of Alzheimer Disease and Dementia?
Chapter 5. What Treatments Are Available?
Chapter 6. What Suggestions Do You Have for Caregivers?
Chapter 7. What Are Some of the Difficult Decisions Caregivers Face?