Few advice books come closer to presenting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Don't just read this book. Become it.
Economist and strategist Jason Brennan delivers a data-driven, punchily practical guide to succeeding in academia, aimed at PhD students.
Don't let anyone you know apply to grad school without first encouraging them to read Good Work If You Can Get It.
America has needed a book like this for a long time and bravo to Johns Hopkins University Press for publishing it.
Good Work If You Can Get It is a frank, realistic, and data-driven discussion of what it takes to succeed in academia. It's the kind of book every aspiring scholar should read.
Jason Brennan's book is clear, effective, and captures the process of academic faculty employment exceptionally well. While the lessons Brennan provides aspiring academic faculty may seem stark and unfair, what he says about how this system works is accurate. That is the primary virtue of the book: it tells its readers the way things work without losing its way into a discussion of how they should work. Many of us give variations on this unwelcome advice to our graduate students and colleagues, and now we can just tell them to go read Brennan's book.
In Good Work If You Can Get It, Jason Brennan tells it like it is. You will get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This is the one book to read about trying to become a professor.
Each year, thousands of bright and ambitious students begin doctoral programs hoping they will earn PhDs and find rewarding positions at great colleges and universities. Good luck! Brennan offers the advice graduate students need but seldom receive.
Book Details
Introduction. Unpleasant Truths about the World's Best Job
Chapter One. Do You Really Want an Academic Job?
Chapter Two. Success in Graduate School Means Working to Get a Job
Chapter Three. How to Be
Introduction. Unpleasant Truths about the World's Best Job
Chapter One. Do You Really Want an Academic Job?
Chapter Two. Success in Graduate School Means Working to Get a Job
Chapter Three. How to Be Productive and Happy
Chapter Four. The Academic Market, Tenure, and the Job Market outside Academia
Conclusion. Exit Options