Provides a solid foundation for a wide range of students, teachers, and researchers.
This textbook is ideal for students.
A readable, usable choice for students; easily translated to class presentation by instructors. Highly recommended.
Book Details
Brief Table of Contents
1. The Vertebrate Story: An Overview
2. Systematics and Vertebrate Evolution
3. Early Chordates and Jawless Fishes
4. Gnathostome Fishes
5. Amphibians
6. Evolution of Reptiles
Brief Table of Contents
1. The Vertebrate Story: An Overview
2. Systematics and Vertebrate Evolution
3. Early Chordates and Jawless Fishes
4. Gnathostome Fishes
5. Amphibians
6. Evolution of Reptiles
7. Morphology, Reproduction, and Development of Turtles, Tuataras, Lizards, and Snakes (Testudines and Lepidosauria)
8. Morphology, Reproduction, and Development of Crocodilians and Birds (Archosaurs)
9. Mammals
10. Vertebrate Zoogeography
11. Population Dynamics
12. Movements
13. Intraspecific Behavior and Ecology
14. Interspecific Interactions
15. Techniques for Ecological and Behavioral Studies
16. Extinction and Extirpation: Natural and Human-Caused
17. Restoration of Endangered Species
18. Regulatory Legislation Affecting Vertebrates
19. Wildlife in a Modern World: Threats and Conservation
20. Climate Change
21. Wildlife Management in a Modern World
Taxonomic Index
Subject Index