Frederick's book could not be arriving at a more critical time...this topic is more important than ever.
In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy said it best: there's no place like home. Ryan Frederick has delivered an accessible, thorough, and timely volume that will become the go-to source for everyone deciding where that home will be to live their best life tomorrow.
Today's retirees are radically rethinking the role of home. Right Place, Right Time implores readers to think deeply about the role of place and take action to make the most of life's third age.
Creating a new roadmap at midlife involves choosing the best place to live. Right Place, Right Time is an indispensable guide to understanding the importance of place in one's well-being and determining the right place at a given time in life's journey.
Ryan Frederick has correctly identified concerns and highlighted solutions for the millions of people who want to live independently with dignity for as long as they can.
Among the many financial and life planning implications of increasing longevity, there is perhaps nothing more important than a clear roadmap for future living arrangements. Ryan Frederick's comprehensive, clear, and pragmatic book is an exceptional resource for individuals and financial advisors in evaluating options and making a well-informed decision in this critical area.
As a real estate developer, I know the impact of the built environment on health and wellbeing. Ryan Frederick delivers an accessible and strategic resource to help individuals, like myself, plan for a longer life and thrive in the process. At the same time, I expect Right Place, Right Time to inspire developers to create better, more innovative places as our society ages.
Ryan Frederick helps people in the second half of their life to make decisions—particularly as related to place—that optimize their chances of living a long, healthy life.
A practical book that will help older adults better understand the numerous issues surrounding where one chooses to live and whether one's home is optimal given the circumstances. Ryan Frederick's professional background in housing and related fields makes him a uniquely qualified writer on this topic.
Book Details
Foreword, by Paul Irving
Introduction. Why Place Matters in the Age of Longevity
Part I. Are You in the Right Place for Now?
Chapter 1. Place as a Key Component of Successful Aging
Foreword, by Paul Irving
Introduction. Why Place Matters in the Age of Longevity
Part I. Are You in the Right Place for Now?
Chapter 1. Place as a Key Component of Successful Aging
Chapter 2. Evaluating Whether You Are in the Right Place
Chapter 3. Moving from Aging in Place to Living in Community
Part II. Where Is the Right Place for You?
Chapter 4. Regions, States, and Metro Areas
Chapter 5. Neighborhood and Communities
Part III. What Is the Right Place for You?
Chapter 6. Single-Family Housing
Chapter 7. Apartments
Chapter 8. Age-Restricted Housing
Chapter 9. Senior Living
Chapter 10. Emerging Options, from Cohousing to Tiny Homes
Chapter 11. Living with or near Family
Part IV. The Evolution of Place
Chapter 12. Place as a Hub for Technology
Chapter 13. Place as a Hub for Health
Part V. Taking Action
Chapter 14. Making the Most of Your Current Place
Chapter 15. Selecting a New Place
Conclusion. Choosing the Right Place at the Right Time
Appendix: Personal Dashboards