I did not find a single page in this book that did not attract my interest.
Plaxco and Gross bring us as close to aliens as we can currently get. I recommend this book to anyone interested in science's newest kid on the block.
Plaxco and Gross do an excellent job... Theirs may well be the best textbook available on the subject.
Tantalises the imagination and leaves you wanting to know more.
Certainly the most readable introduction to astrobiology now available.
A good read for all those who are fascinated by the search for extraterrestrial life and the origin of life on our own planet. I shall certainly value it in my own library.
An accessible guide to this young and interdisciplinary field.
The fascinating world of extremophiles is well presented, and a broad overview of the searches for evidence of life beyond Earth rounds off the book. The text is liberally illustrated with relevant figures that greatly enhance the content, and entertaining snippets of information detailing the quirks of research in this field nicely supplement the scientific content.
A comprehensive yet concise introduction to the field.
Plaxco and Gross have done it again, with a timely update of their classic text on astrobiology. Aimed at a general audience, the book is a thoroughly enjoyable romp across scientific disciplines, seeking to address that most profound question: where did we come from?
Book Details
Chapter 1. What Is Life?
Chapter 2. Origins of a Habitable Universe
Chapter 3. Origins of a Habitable Planet
Chapter 4. Primordial Soup
Chapter 5. The Spark of Life
Chapter 6. From
Chapter 1. What Is Life?
Chapter 2. Origins of a Habitable Universe
Chapter 3. Origins of a Habitable Planet
Chapter 4. Primordial Soup
Chapter 5. The Spark of Life
Chapter 6. From Molecules to Cells
Chapter 7. A Concise History of Life on Earth
Chapter 8. Life on the Edge
Chapter 9. Habitable Worlds in the Solar System and Beyond
Chapter 10. The Search for ET