This book is excellent and couldn't be more timely, thorough, or engaging. Vaccine Wars provides a careful look at schools—a perspective in the evolution of arguments about vaccines that is often missing—and the result is extremely valuable and original.
Why do Americans fight over school vaccinations? Kim Tolley has produced the first comprehensive history of these controversies, which have revealed our clashing conceptions of science, religion, and the nation itself. This isn't just a history of the shot; it's a story of how school vaccinations injected themselves into our larger body politic. Resolutely fair to all sides, Tolley is also clear about the danger that vaccine resistance poses to all of us. Anyone who wants to understand vaccines—or schools—will have to read this smart and troubling book.
Tolley argues that because schools are the site of both contagion and prevention, they have served as the cornerstone of disease eradication programs and have been embroiled in larger issues of democracy, community, legislation, politics, and health, as well as education.
Kim Tolley has written a timely, beautifully crafted history of vaccination policy since the early 1800s. Why have some citizens in every era opposed vaccination? Why have they placed other Americans, including children, at risk? What explains our current partisan divide over vaccination? The answers are here in this fascinating book.
Vaccine Wars is a fascinating, often surprising examination of one of the most valuable—and most contentious—of all public health interventions. Tolley's deeply researched and insightful analysis fills in critical gaps in our historical understanding of this issue and offers important lessons for current policy makers.
Book Details
List of Tables, Figures, and Charts
Part I. The Long Fight against Smallpox: From Support to Complacency and Opposition
1. The Rise of School Vaccination Laws
2. The National
List of Tables, Figures, and Charts
Part I. The Long Fight against Smallpox: From Support to Complacency and Opposition
1. The Rise of School Vaccination Laws
2. The National Anti-vaccination Societies and the Schools
3. Taking Schools to Court: The Legal Battles
4. Schools against Vaccination Mandates: A Case Study
Part II. A Sea Change: From Persuasion to Compulsion in the Quest for Herd Immunity
5. Schools and the Campaign against Polio
6. Schools in the Age of Eradication
7. Vaccine Hesitancy and the Rise of Personal Belief Exemptions
8. The Twenty-First-Century Effort to Preserve Immunity in Schools
Appendix. Selected Court Cases and Rulings Cited in the Text, 1830-2021
Archival and Digitized Sources