[Higher Education Leadership] should be required reading for higher education scholars, practitioners, and institutional leaders who want transformational change in higher education. It is for everyone who is ready to push back against the status quo and elevate equity-driven and socially just perspectives. Amid increasingly tumultuous times in higher education, every postsecondary educator should apply some of these much-needed leadership principles in order to demonstrate outright commitment to students at the margins.
Higher Education Leadership will be the new standard-bearer textbook in the subject of college and university administration. Carducci, Harper, and Kezar have unapologetically challenged the white supremacist, capitalist, and neoliberal assumptions that pervade the current context of research and practice in higher education leadership. The authors balance providing dense theoretical and conceptual ideas with practical applications. This should be a required text for all current and aspiring higher education leaders, board of trustee members, faculty, and students associated with higher education and student affairs graduate degree programs.
Bringing together bodies of scholarship that are, unfortunately, rarely asked to speak to one another, Carducci, Harper, and Kezar have bestowed the most wonderful kind of gift to the field of higher education. The result is a robust framework not only for understanding the contemporary landscape of higher education leadership and practice, but for helping all of us to imagine what it can and should look like for a more just future.
This book disrupts traditional approaches to leadership. Today's leaders must understand how neoliberal forces make change hard. The authors highlight the evolution of leadership theory/research, providing a primer on how to address racial inequities in leadership. Readers will find tips for research agendas to advance more liberatory leadership, to move ideas to practice, and to reimage shared-equity leadership.
Book Details
Section I: The Contemporary Context of Leadership in Higher Education
1. The Evolution of Leadership Research and the Work Left Undone
2. Leadership Paradigms
3. Neoliberalism and Higher Education
Section I: The Contemporary Context of Leadership in Higher Education
1. The Evolution of Leadership Research and the Work Left Undone
2. Leadership Paradigms
3. Neoliberalism and Higher Education Leadership
4. Whiteness and White Supremacy in Higher Education Leadership
Section II: Perspectives on Leadership Research and Practice
5. Transformational Leadership Perspectives
6. Cognitive Leadership Perspectives
7. Chaos and Complexity Leadership Perspectives
8. Cultural Leadership Perspectives
9. Processual Leadership Perspectives
Section III: Leadership for Liberation
10. Looking to the Future of Leadership Practice and Research
Appendix Case Studies