The type of book you can read from cover-to-cover to get an idea of everything you need to know about writing without being bored...I found new nuggets of insight that could help me write better.
[Zvirzdin's] unique approach incorporates her knowledge of the mechanics of grammar and science with her love of narrative, action, and mystery into a one-of-a-kind textbook.
Jamie Zvirzdin has written a quirky, quarky, marvelously helpful, relentlessly readable guide to effective science communication. Like particle physics, grammar and good writing are, at their core, a system of rules and relationships. Master these and the universe is yours!
Metaphor is both the food of science and the spice of language. Jamie Zvirzdin links principles of physics with those of grammar and linguistics, adds a pinch of poetics, and serves up a tasty guide to scientific thinking and writing.
Subatomic Writing—Jamie Zvirzdin's innovative guide to telling stories of science—uses particle physics, demons, science history, family life, and a terrific sense of humor to make its points. The result is smart, effective, and a whole lot of fun.
By equating the fundamental particles of the Standard Model to elements of writing, Zvirzdin has created an engaging book that teaches the mechanics of science writing. Her novel approach, interspersed with fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, is both valuable and refreshing. It is a book all scientists should have on hand.
Inspired! Subatomic Writing provides an insightful and helpful new doorway into the foundations of language and writing, all wrapped up in some imaginative fun.
This is a fantastic writing resource for people like me, people whose first language isn't English. As a guide, the book develops your writing skills, but it also tells a story, which helps you walk through the harder parts of English step by step. Easy to read, informative, and entertaining!
Jamie Zvirzdin's brilliant, engaging writing guide, Subatomic Writing, is ostensibly here to help those who write about science, but her clear explanations, practical lessons, and gift for metaphor will help anyone struggling to assemble words into coherent strands. Who knew that the building blocks of language shared so much with particle physics? A wonderfully unique guide to vibrant writing.
Forget your preconceptions of what a book about grammar and writing is like. This is a wild ride, entertaining, enlightening, practical, and hands-on. Plus you'll learn some particle physics to boot! Zvirzdin's enthusiasm for clarity, conciseness, and vibrancy in science writing is contagious.
Writing, as you may have heard, is not rocket science. In fact, it's particle physics, as Jamie Zvirzdin demonstrates in Subatomic Writing, her insightful new guide for the nerdy-minded scribe.
Book Details
Praise for Subatomic Writing
Introduction: Unhallowed Origins
Lesson I: Harvest Vibrations
Lesson II: Nest Word Classes
Lesson III: See the Syntax
Lesson IV: Pause, Link, Tighten
Lesson V: Feel
Praise for Subatomic Writing
Introduction: Unhallowed Origins
Lesson I: Harvest Vibrations
Lesson II: Nest Word Classes
Lesson III: See the Syntax
Lesson IV: Pause, Link, Tighten
Lesson V: Feel the Pulse
Lesson VI: Connect the Dots
Connect the Dots
Appendix A: More on Sentence Diagrams
Ideas for Using Subatomic Writing in the Classroom