This book, shaped with careful precision, chronicles the journey of Dave Cormier and prompts us to question existing teaching and learning norms. It encourages us to learn, unlearn, and relearn, which is a necessary and timely challenge.
This book equips us with the knowledge to navigate learning in our digital society, in very uncertain times. It's an essential guide to deciphering truth in an age of exponential information growth.
The abundance of content challenges an educational system based on an assumption of scarcity. In this book, Cormier explores the profound implications of abundant content in an accessible and thought-provoking manner. It is essential reading for anyone interested in how education should develop in a digital, networked, and AI-rich society.
Any book on pedagogy that has a section on how to "Learn to See Who Is Left Behind" is a book that should never be left behind. Dave Cormier's Learning in a Time of Abundance offers insights and provocations on every page. Read it!
Dave Cormier offers an accessible, critical, and timely review of learning in an era of information abundance. It is a provocation to ground education in care and community with guidance to support practitioners. This book will be valuable to anyone working and studying at the intersection of education and technology.
In immediate, compelling prose, Cormier urges us to completely rethink our approach to learning and thinking in an age when knowledge is so abundant but uncertainty so high about its veracity or trustworthiness. This book is a bracing, important read for anyone in the practice of education.
A lyrical meditation on the impact of information abundance on education, Learning in a Time of Abundance avoids bumper sticker sloganeering, choosing instead to engage with the often surprising implications of our new information environment.
An accessible book with concrete examples of situations that have an abundance of solutions and a parallel abundance of dangers and inequalities. We all struggle with navigating uncertainty. Dave's fresh take on twenty-first-century literacies, and the practices for an abundant world, can help us all rethink our teaching, parenting, and more.
Book Details
Chapter One. Change Has Never Been a Bargain
Chapter Two. Abundance
Chapter Three. How Abundance Is a Problem for Learning
Chapter Four. This Is at Least Partially a Learning
Chapter One. Change Has Never Been a Bargain
Chapter Two. Abundance
Chapter Three. How Abundance Is a Problem for Learning
Chapter Four. This Is at Least Partially a Learning Problem
Chapter Five. Societal Implications
Chapter Six. Learning to Confront Uncertainty
Chapter Seven. Practices for an Abundant World