Regulating Abortion: The Politics of US Abortion Policy by political scientists and public health experts Deborah R McFarlane and Wendy L Hansen documents the evolution of the disparate state-level regulations of abortion care. Despite both medication and surgical induced abortions being safe procedures, the authors analyze the passage of state laws that step-by-step limited both the supply of and access to abortion care.
Regulating Abortion is a well-researched compendium of everything political scientists and policy scholars need to know about US abortion regulation, beginning with its early history through myriad court cases to state policies that are wildly disparate and unfair, especially to poor women. Abortion regulation matters, and this book explains why.
Regulating Abortion skillfully navigates the challenging landscape of abortion restrictions, shining light on the many ways in which abortion care is marginalized and contributes to health inequities in the United States. This thoroughly researched work is essential for the reader seeking a nuanced understanding of the genesis and impacts of state and federal abortion restrictions.
A comprehensive analysis of the current politics of abortion in the United States. McFarlane and Hansen document the slippery slope of regulation into prohibition and its negative impact on public health. A must-read for scholars of public health, public policy, and political science.
A must-read for anyone seeking to understand how the long and tortured history of abortion regulation has resulted in an environment in which access to abortion depends crucially on who you are and where you live.
Regulating Abortion delivers a meticulous investigation of state-level abortion policies spanning the past three decades. McFarlane and Hansen's work illuminates the inequitable reality of how women of color and poor women continue to bear the harshest consequences of unjust regulatory policies which have eroded access to abortion services.
Relying heavily on the fields of political science and public health, this book provides detailed and rich quantitative analyses of abortion regulation in the United States prior to and after the Dobbs decision, revealing how the US judicial system never fully protected the right to abortion. A necessary read for any scholar of abortion regulation.
Book Details
List of Figures and Tables
1. Abortion Services in the United States and Theoretical Approaches to Their Regulation
2. Setting the Parameters for State Abortion Policies
List of Figures and Tables
1. Abortion Services in the United States and Theoretical Approaches to Their Regulation
2. Setting the Parameters for State Abortion Policies
3. Weakeneing Roe
4. Politics across the States
5. After the Policymakers Go Home
6. How Abortion Is Regulated in Western Europe
7. The Dobbs Decision and Beyond