A winner... a book that is trenchant, crisply written and absolutely jargon-free, with plenty of enthusiasm but no idolatry—and great fun to read... There should be a place for Comic Book Nation on the bookshelf of anyone who ever read comics for fun as a kid or has taken them seriously as an adult.
Comics fans ought to rejoice over this book. At a time of transition, with underground comics proliferating on the Web while major companies like Marvel try to pull themselves out of bankruptcy, Comic Book Nation offers a much-needed historical perspective. Tracing the industry's rise, Wright gives comics the scholarly attention they deserve, diligently filling in the back story of a medium that has both reflected and shaped American values for generations... Wright deserves credit for tackling the breadth of comics history, and he succeeds commendably in creating a testament to the genre's power. For anyone who has ever read comics or wanted to leap a building in a single bound, Comic Book Nation is worth a look.
Pow! Bam! Crash! Analysis! This insightful and highly entertaining political and cultural history [offers] an intelligent study not only of comics but of shifting attitudes toward popular culture, children, violence, patriotism, and America itself.
At last, a substantive book studying the effect of comic books on American culture and vice versa... [This] extremely well-organized book traces the genre's birth, expansions, and retractions from the 1930s to the present. The fascinating result highlights the increasingly intriguing interaction between pressing events in American society and what was written and published on colorfully paneled pages... A truly worthwhile study of comics as part of American culture.
A fascinating history of comic books that is impressively researched, amply illustrated, smoothly written, carefully analyzed—and fun. It is a serious but not somber study, enlivened with droll humor and deft analogies.
Fluently animates the artistic, economic, and social history of comic books, from Superman as '30s hero of the downtrodden to debates over kids' consumption of violent imagery to fan culture.
Informative, humorous, and penetrating... [Wright's] theme is simple and persuasive: Comic books provide an acute lens through which to study shifts in popular culture, from World War II to Vietnam to the Reagan era.
Solid... A well-documented comics-industry chronicle.
An extremely well researched, engagingly written and long overdue attempt to evaluate the historical impact of comic books on American culture.
This is a sweeping and ambitious history that is successful in explaining the business of comic book publishing and the ways in which the writers, artists, and publishers created an alternative world that appeals to many youthful readers... The book is well written and illustrated.
I loved Wright's book...Wright succeeds in capturing my past—the smell of chestnuts, popcorn and bubble gum in Grampa's Mom and Pop store [where I bought comic books]—and making us value comics as important cultural artifacts, contributing to our concept of youth and nationhood. Since reading Comic Book Nation, I've rediscovered the joy of comics.
As interesting as it is well written, a serious comic fan might learn a few things
Wright's lively history of the form shows how comic books have molded as well as reflected young Americans as readers, consumers, citizens.
Both educational and entertaining.
Congratulations to Bradford W. Wright for penning one of the most comprehensive and readable accounts of the pervasive effect that comic books have had upon generations of readers throughout America, and indeed—the world.
Book Details
Chapter 1: Superheroes for the Common Man: The Birth of the Comic Book Industry, 1933-1941
Chapter 2: Race, Politics, and Propaganda: Comic Books Go to War, 1939-1945
Chapter 3
Chapter 1: Superheroes for the Common Man: The Birth of the Comic Book Industry, 1933-1941
Chapter 2: Race, Politics, and Propaganda: Comic Books Go to War, 1939-1945
Chapter 3: Confronting Success: Comic Books and Postwar America, 1945-1956
Chapter 4: Youth Crisis: Comic Books and Controversy, 1947-1950
Chapter 5: Reds, Romance, and Renegades: Comic Books and the Culture of the Cold War, 1947-1954
Chapter 6: Turning Point: Comic Books in Crisis, 1954-1955
Chapter 7: Great Power and Great Responsibility: Superheroes in a Superpower, 1956-1967
Chapter 8: Questioning Authority: Comic Books and Cultural Change, 1968-1979
Chapter 9: Direct to the Fans: The Comic Book Industry since 1980
Epilogue: The Death of Superman or, Must There Be a Comic Book Industry?
Spider-Man at Ground Zero: A 9-11 Postscript