Important and ground-breaking contributions... Boose and Flowers have introduced a complicated subject with this excellent collection.
Boose and Flowers have introduced a complicated subject with this excellent collection.
Book Details
Part I. Cultural Filialogy
The Father's House and the Daughter in It: The Structures of Western Culture's Daughter-Father Relationship
Filia Oedipi: Father and Daughter in
Part I. Cultural Filialogy
The Father's House and the Daughter in It: The Structures of Western Culture's Daughter-Father Relationship
Filia Oedipi: Father and Daughter in Freudian Theory
The Father's Seduction
The Daughter's Seduction: Sexual Violence and Literary History
The Evolution of Daughter-Father Relationships in Mexican-American Culture
"The Permanent Obliquity of an In[pha]llibly Straight:" In the Time of the Daughters and the Fathers
Part II. In Nomine Patris: The Daughter in Her Father's House
Engendering the Exemplary Daughter: The Deployment of Sexuality in Richardson's Clarissa
"A Daughter of the Puritans" and Her Old Master: Hawthorne, Una, and the Sexuality of Romance
A Father's Prayer, A Daughter's Anger: W. B. Yeats and Sylvia Plath
Life's Empty Pack: Notes toward a Literary Daughteronomy
Christina Rossetti: Dialogue with the Father God
Part III. In Nomine Filiae: The Artist as Her Father's Daughter
The Clergyman's Daughters: Anne Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, and George Eliot
Murderous Poetics: Dickinson, the Father, and the Text
Cam the Wicked: Woolf's Portrait of the Artist as Her Father's Daughter
"The Skies and Trees of the Past": Anne Thackeray Ritchie and William Makepeace Thackeray
Male Narcissism, Capitalism, and the Daughter of The Man Who Loved Children
Erasing the Stigma of Daughterhood: Mary I, Elizabeth I, and Henry VIII
Notes on Illustrations
Works Cited
Notes on Contributors