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Diseases in the Ancient Greek World

Mirko D. Grmek

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What were the illnesses that plagued men, women, and children of the ancient world? Traditional approaches to this subject have often relied exclusively on literary evidence, but ancient texts are extraordinarily difficult to interpret. Different methodologies, archaic defitions of diseases, and technical terms whose meanings have shifted over time frustrate discovery of the actual diseases hidden behind textual sources.

To uncover this "nosological reality," Mirko D. Grmek has fashioned a vast army of techniques into a new, multidisciplinary approach that combines philology, paleopathology...

What were the illnesses that plagued men, women, and children of the ancient world? Traditional approaches to this subject have often relied exclusively on literary evidence, but ancient texts are extraordinarily difficult to interpret. Different methodologies, archaic defitions of diseases, and technical terms whose meanings have shifted over time frustrate discovery of the actual diseases hidden behind textual sources.

To uncover this "nosological reality," Mirko D. Grmek has fashioned a vast army of techniques into a new, multidisciplinary approach that combines philology, paleopathology, paleodemography, and iconography with recent developments in genetics, immunology, epidemiology, and clinical medicine. Also new is Grmek's concept of pathocoenosis (the ensemble of pathological states present in a given population) and his method of examining such ancient diseases as leprocy, tuberculosis, and syphilis in relation to one another, and to all other pathological conditions, rather than in isolation.



A fascinating view of the paleopathologist at work... [Grmek] has obviously made a major contribution both to his own special field and to the understanding of the archaeological finds and literary remains of antiquity.

Any student or scholar who wishes to pursue almost any topic in the field of disease in ancient Greece will find this book invaluable.


Book Details

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Table of Contents

Translators' Note
Author's Preface
Introduction. The Conceptualization of Pathological Events
Chapter 1. Literary Reflections of Pathological Reality
Chapter 2. Paleopathology: Evidence from Ancient Bones

Translators' Note
Author's Preface
Introduction. The Conceptualization of Pathological Events
Chapter 1. Literary Reflections of Pathological Reality
Chapter 2. Paleopathology: Evidence from Ancient Bones on Diseases in Greece
Chapter 3. Paleodemography: Evidence from Ancient Bones on the Conditions of Daily Life in Greece
Chapter 4. Common Purulent Inflammations
Chapter 5. The Origin and Spread of Syphilis
Chapter 6. Leprosy: The Gradual Spread of an Endemic Disease
Chapter 7. Tuberculosis: A Great Killer
Chapter 8. Leprosy and Tuberculosis: Their Biological Relationship
Chapter 9. The Harm in Broad Beans: Legend and Reality
Chapter 10. Porotic Hyperostosis, Hereditary Anemias, and Malaria
Chapter 11. The Hippocratic Conception of Disease: An Exemplary Clinical Report
Chapter 12. The Constitution of a Winter in Thrace: The "Cough of Perinthus"
Chapter 13. A Dialogue Between a Philologist and a Physician

Author Bios
Mirko D. Grmek
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Mirko D. Grmek

Mirko D. Grmek is Director of Studies at L'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes at the Sorbonne. From 1981 to 1985 he served as president of the INternational Academy of the History of Science. The author of books in three languages, he has published extensively in the field of the epistemology and history of medicine and life sciences.