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Domesticating Drink

Women, Men, and Alcohol in America, 1870-1940

Catherine Gilbert Murdock

Publication Date

Selected by Choice Magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title

The period of prohibition, from 1919 to 1933, marks the fault line between the cultures of Victorian and modern America. In Domesticating Drink, Murdock argues that the debates surrounding alcohol also marked a divide along gender lines. For much of early American history, men generally did the drinking, and women and children were frequently the victims of alcohol-associated violence and abuse. As a result, women stood at the fore of the temperance and prohibition movements and, as Murdock explains, effectively used the fight against...

Selected by Choice Magazine as an Outstanding Academic Title

The period of prohibition, from 1919 to 1933, marks the fault line between the cultures of Victorian and modern America. In Domesticating Drink, Murdock argues that the debates surrounding alcohol also marked a divide along gender lines. For much of early American history, men generally did the drinking, and women and children were frequently the victims of alcohol-associated violence and abuse. As a result, women stood at the fore of the temperance and prohibition movements and, as Murdock explains, effectively used the fight against drunkenness as a route toward political empowerment and participation. At the same time, respectable women drank at home, in a pattern of moderation at odds with contemporaneous male alcohol abuse.

During the 1920s, with federal prohibition a reality, many women began to assert their hard-won sense of freedom by becoming social drinkers in places other than the home. Murdock's study of how this development took place broadens our understanding of the social and cultural history of alcohol and the various issues that surround it. As alcohol continues to spark debate about behaviors, attitudes, and gender roles, Domesticating Drink provides valuable historical context and important lessons for understanding and responding to the evolving use, and abuse, of drink.



Murdock's contributions to the social history of alcohol are many... Perhaps most significantly, she reveals the crucial role that respectable female drinkers played in both achieving and dismantling the Eighteenth Amendment.

Murdock writes the history of prohibition and repeal, and also of American drinking habits, as women's history. She argues that women's drinking had a positive effect: it domesticated the male use of alcohol.

By using the changing perceptions of alcohol and gender as the focus, Murdock deftly illustrates the social and political events that impacted American culture.

Murdock deftly interweaves the histories of temperance, drinking customs and women's rights. Her insightful and fluently-written synthesis will enlighten the general reader and compel the attention of specialists in a variety of disciplines.


Book Details

Publication Date
Trim Size
Illustration Description
14 b&w illus.
Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
List of Acronyms
1.. Gender, Prohibition, Suffrage, and Power
2 Domestic Drink in Victorian America
3. Startling Changes in the Public Realm
4. Prohibition

List of Illustrations
List of Acronyms
1.. Gender, Prohibition, Suffrage, and Power
2 Domestic Drink in Victorian America
3. Startling Changes in the Public Realm
4. Prohibition, Cocktails, Law Observance, and the American Home
5. Prohibition and Woman's Public Sphere in the 1920s
6. The Moral Authority of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform
7. The Domestication of Drink
Essay on Sources

Author Bio