The observations recorded here deserve close study by anyone who contemplates setting up a referral system for medical staff facing ethical dilemmas.
Excellent basic and practical introduction to the many issues facing the development of clinical ethics consultation.
The writers explore theoretical and practical realities of the ethics consultation process, key participants and their character, and theoretical foundations of ethics and values that contribute to ethical decision making in clinical care.
A nuanced, in depth approach to the difficult issues involved in bioethics consultations.
Essential reading for anyone interested in ethics and consultation. It provides in-depth analysis of key issues by leading figures in the field, and represents a comprehensive discussion raised by the ASBH Task Force... A complete, self-contained work that should be extremely valuable both for classroom use, and for ethicists and hospitals conducting ethics consultation.
I recommend this book highly both for its practical value and for its reflective discussion on the nuances of clinical ethics.
A very important topic from the leaders in the field.
This book is an important and welcome addition to the scholarship in the field. Addressing the current state and future direction of ethics consultation, it offers a thoughtful overview of some of the most important issues currently debated, from foundational theoretical questions to more practical strategic concerns. It makes a substantial contribution to the literature and will certainly be widely read and referenced.
Book Details
List of Contributors
I. Foundation and Theoretical Questions
1. Meeting the Need: Ethics Consultation in Health Care Today
2. Can Ethics Consultation Be Saved? Ethics Consultation and Moral
List of Contributors
I. Foundation and Theoretical Questions
1. Meeting the Need: Ethics Consultation in Health Care Today
2. Can Ethics Consultation Be Saved? Ethics Consultation and Moral Consensus in a Democratic Society
3. Character and Ethics Consultation: Even Ethicists Don't Agree
4. Innovative Educational Programs: A Necessary First Step Toward Improving Quality in Ethics Consultation
5. Techniques for Training Ethics Consultants: Why Traditional Classroom Methods Aren't Enough
6. Models for Ethics Consultation: Individual, Team, or Committee?
7. The Structure and Process fo Ethics Consultation Services
8. Institutional Support for Bioethics Committees
III. Questions on the Horizon
9. Organizational Ethics: Promises and Pitfalls
10. The Licensing and Certification of Ethics Consultants: What Part of "No" Was So Hard to Understand?
Appendix. Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation: The Report of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities